A mixture of history, tradition, and technology makes Japan one of the most intriguing nations on the planet. This country is undoubtedly one of the world’s superpowers, but Japan is not your typical nation. There are numerous quirky things about it that may strike the average Western citizen as being quite odd. But it is precisely these “crazy” aspects that make up Japan’s charm.
We have compiled a countdown including the 7 most insane things about Japan that any foreigner should definitely know. Take a look through the list and prepare to be amazed; some of them might shock you, some will make your stomach churn, and other will simply leave you in awe.
No. 7: Vending Machine Mania
Photo Credit: midorisyu
While a vending machine in itself might not seem anything special, Japan definitely takes a unique approach to them. You will be able to find one in the most remote of places, even on top of Mount Fuji! The type of products Japanese vending machines give out is also a bit odd: anything you can think of, from underwear and toys to eggs and alcohol.
No. 6: The Love Hotels
Photo Credit: IvanWalsh.com
The Japanese market understands that young lovebirds need to find a place where they can enjoy each other’s company. There are thousands of love hotels all throughout Japan ready to cater to a couple’s every romantic need and they even offer rooms which can be rented by the hour.
No. 5: The Japanese Toilet
Photo Credit: The Travelista
You probably have already heard about this one, but it is still considered one of the craziest things in Japan. This little device, referred to as a washlet, shoots water in an upwards direction, making the user’s need for toilet paper somewhat redundant.
No. 4: Capsule Motels
Photo Credit: knittymarie
When it comes to sleeping arrangements, the Japanese are nothing if not ingenious. Basically, these motels are made out of series of sleeping boxes, similar to those which can be found in some types of trains. For someone who is looking for a place to rest their head at night and nothing else, the capsule motels are the perfect choice.
No. 3: Mayo on Top
Photo Credit: avlxyz
The Japanese do love their mayonnaise, no doubt about it. Pizza, sushi, and pretty much anything else you can think of food wise, the Japanese probably eat with a side of mayo. If you look around for a while, you might even find an all mayonnaise restaurant.
No. 2: Monkeys and Hot Springs
Photo Credit: soulfish
Japan is well known for its numerous hot springs. But what you may not know is that monkeys love to bathe themselves in these springs. So, if you happen to stumble upon a couple of moneys chilling in one of these baths, don’t be too surprised. It’s quite a common occurrence in Japan.
No. 1: Kancho
Photo Credit: Pirate Alice
We have saved the best for last. Kancho is a local Japanese game, or rather a practical joke, kids here just love. Kancho is a slang word meaning enema and the prank consists of clasping one’s hands together and…well, you can guess the rest. Loads of fun, right?