What happened at the Boston Marathon bombing? While almost every U.S. citizen, together with many others from around the globe, are still shocked about yesterday’s explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, law enforcement officials are still trying to figure out those responsible for the bombings, suspecting that most likely it could have been a terrorist attack.
Let’s do a quick review of yesterday’s horrifying incident in Boston. First reported at 3:15 pm EST, two explosions occurred near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, which is one of the biggest free-standing marathon events in the world. The explosions happened about four hours after the start of the marathon, at time when most of the 27,000 participants crossed the finish line, NPR reported.
Later there were reports about a third explosion that could be related to the first two, even though it took place 5 miles away from the marathon finish line at the JFK Library. More details about the incident we covered yesterday, together with six different vantage points of what happened at the Boston Marathon bombing.
A White House official said that “Any event with multiple explosive devices — as this appears to be — is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror.” President Obama during a national address said: “We will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable.”
So, while there are over a hundred injured and three dead, the most important question remains “Who is responsible for this attack?” Since the incident, many reported about their hypotheses. Among them, BBC broadcasters speculated that it was a domestic attack, while CNN announced about the possibility of the “work” of right-wing extremists.
Today, CNN reported, that the police raided an apartment in Massachusetts, but a law enforcement official said there is no suspect until now and there is no leading theory about the motive. Until there are more details, we have gathered a compilation of 10 more dramatic pictures taken at the scene by eye-witnesses.
See what exactly happened at the Boston Marathon bombing: