What Does The Future Hold For Online Casinos?

Casinos have been around in various formats for thousands of years, dating to pre-roman times. People like to gamble on almost anything and where there is money to be made a business will prosper. Technology has been at the forefront of the gaming industry, introducing slot machines in San Francisco in about 1894 making it a more efficient way to gamble. We still have slot machines but with all the lights and jazz that go with them, the same as we still use traditional style card tables. But with the advent of the internet gambling companies were not far behind in launching into the digital age. Companies like casino igre offer hundreds of different games online to play from the comfort of your own home.

With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, many traditional brick and mortar casinos were forced to close their doors. With nearly 1000 casinos in the United States, over 900 have been able to reopen but with limited customers and social distancing enforced. Although online casinos had been gaining popularity the pandemic led many gamblers online. Being able to play 24 hours a day on any computer or smart device with an internet connection and from any location has kept many gambling firms in business. One of the popular Casino igre (which means casino games) doing well is online roulette, probably because gamblers get almost an even chance of doubling their wagers.

More And More Countries Are Legalizing Online Casinos

For many years such as Switzerland banned gambling in their territory, but attitudes are changing. In 1998 Switzerland legalized gambling within the country and two decades later legalized online casinos and sports betting. Many countries are now following this trend, they enforce strict regulations and oversight of the industry, which left unregulated can lead to corruption and criminal gangs operating in the business. Once countries realize the potential in job creation and the financial benefits of legalized gambling they are often very supportive of the industry. There however still some countries that completely forbid online gambling:

  • Brunei
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • North Korea
  • Qatar
  • Singapore
  • United Arab Emirates

Many countries that were previously opposed to online gambling realized that in this modern day and age it is almost impossible to prevent online gambling from their country.

What Has Spurred The Growth of Online Gambling?

The rise in popularity and the ease of access to the internet have been instrumental in the success of many businesses. We can now gain access to information and markets that were previously out of reach to us. A natural progression in technology and more specifically are wireless networks, now means we can have access to the internet almost anywhere, anytime. With the advent of smartphones, tablets, and laptops we can place bets on the way to work, in the park with the family, or even the gym if we get the urge. Online casinos and bookmakers have been cashing in on the availability of 4g and now 5g networks and are offering deals as incentives to current and new customers.

With new online casinos popping up daily there is fierce competition amongst these sites and the customer can benefit from the offers presented. The sudden growth of the last twelve months can be attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic, with people being forced to stay home to prevent the spread of the virus. Many people have been opening new accounts or revisiting old accounts in an attempt to relieve boredom.

Are Online Gambling Sites Safe to Use?

Any casino whether it is an online or traditional brick and mortar is regulated and must stick to these rules. This is a legal requirement with the potential of losing licenses or even criminal action taken. It is still worth remembering that casinos are businesses and they do intend to win. That is not to suggest foul play or the rigging of games, it is just casino needs a slight edge or they would not be in business very long. This is called the “House Edge”, this ensures that the player will have lucky streaks and unlucky streaks occasionally. This is not cheating and is generally selected by random by their computer.

When it comes to actual financial details, online casinos use some of the best encryption software available. They also hire some extremely skilled I.T. professionals to ensure that all personal and financial details are free from hackers. Any leaks in data or irregular financial processes leads to a breach of trust between the two parties and a potential loss of reputation, on which any business is built.

Can The Industry Survive After Covid-19?

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the online casino industry was growing at a steady pace each year. But when 2020 hit the online gambling industry saw a surge of over 60% in increased betting, in 2019 the annual turnover was approximately $44 billion. By 2020 at this rate, the global online gambling industry will double to over $90 billion and potentially higher.

These predictions may or may come to fruition if the Covid -19 pandemic is brought under control sometime soon. Even without the pandemic, the online gambling industry has grown on average around 7% each year, and there no reason to believe that cannot continue. So many people when asked would they return to brick and mortar casinos after the pandemic or continue betting from home have replied from home is now their favorite way to place bets.


Online gaming and gambling is a fun way to pass the time for many and a serious way of making money for others. The industry has recognized the need to satisfy both types of customers and introduced novice and professional games and tables in their virtual casinos and online gaming platforms.

With the increased security and privacy that playing anonymously brings many people do prefer to play online, for some it can’t come close to replicating the noises, smells, and atmosphere of traditional casinos. One thing that is for sure due to Covid-19 many people will be happy to stay in the comfort of their homes playing online and are unlikely to return to traditional casinos anytime soon.