Buffett helps SMSF investors to big returns (FinancialStandard)
The strong performance of legendary investor Warren Buffett has helped some Australian self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) investors post big returns over the last three years. The first of a number of JBG Structured Investments products linked to the performance of Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A) investment company has matured, returning 42.83% to investors. Buffett is idolised by the global investment community but at $167,000 for a single share in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A), the majority of investors are priced out of his much admired investment process.
Is This Warren Buffett-Owned Railway Polluting Water? (WallStCheatSheet)
The Sierra Club has filed a complaint against Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A) owned railway BNSF Railway Co., accusing the coal shipper of dumping coal into Pudget Sound and other waterways in violation of the Clean Water Act. The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and most influential environmental groups in the U.S. The group filed a complaint in federal court in Seattle saying that coal chunks and coal dust are being dumped into water around Seattle and throughout the state of Washington. They are seeking a court order to prohibit the rail company from carrying coal in uncovered railway cars and are asking the company to pay damages. The group is also suing five other coal shipping railway companies in the suit.
Buffett Rail Rally Defies Analysts Seeing End to Freight Gains (MoneyNews)
Investors are driving railroad stocks to the best start to a year since 2008, looking past downgrades by Wall Street analysts, in a bet that Warren Buffett is right about the carriers’ long-term prospects. A 22 percent surge for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Railroads Index in 2013 is outpacing the S&P 500’s 13 percent jump. The gains are being extended even with the proportion of buy ratings on Union Pacific Corp., the largest U.S. railroad, and Kansas City Southern, the fastest growing, at the lowest since 2010.