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Wall Street Analysts Just Trimmed Price Targets for These 10 Stocks

In this article, we will discuss the 10 stocks whose price targets were recently trimmed by analysts. If you want to see more such stocks on the list, go directly to Wall Street Analysts Just Trimmed Price Targets for These 5 Stocks.

In 2023, U.S. bankruptcy filings experienced a notable 18% surge, reaching a total of 445,186, driven by a confluence of factors such as higher interest rates, more stringent lending standards, and the gradual phasing out of pandemic-era support measures. Data from bankruptcy data provider Epiq AACER revealed that both commercial Chapter 11 reorganization filings and consumer filings contributed to this increase, rising by 72% to 6,569 and 18% to 419,55, respectively. While December saw a slight dip in total filings to 34,447 from November, a year-on-year increase of 16% was still evident, signaling the persistence of financial challenges for individuals and businesses. Looking ahead to 2024, the trajectory of bankruptcy cases is expected to continue its upward trend. Despite this, the figures remain below the peak observed in 2019, the year preceding the onset of the pandemic, when 757,816 bankruptcies were filed. Michael Hunter, Vice President of Epiq AACER, anticipates that the rise in both consumer and commercial filings seeking bankruptcy protection will persist in 2024. Contributing factors include the diminishing effects of pandemic stimulus, a higher cost of funds, increased interest rates, growing delinquency rates, and historically high levels of household debt. The financial landscape, tightened by the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes over the past two years, showed some easing in the fourth quarter of 2023 following signals of the Fed concluding its rate-hike cycle. Moreover, recent indications from Fed officials suggest an expectation of rate cuts in the upcoming year.

Bond prices declined on January 4 following positive jobs data, leading to skepticism about the Federal Reserve’s timing and extent of potential interest rate cuts. Technology stocks, particularly in the Nasdaq 100, faced instability, contributing to the index’s potential prolonged losing streak, reported Bloomberg. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) experienced a dip after its second downgrade in the week, with Piper Sandler expressing worries about iPhone inventory levels. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 saw a slight uptick, recovering from a three-day selloff in the preceding session. Oil prices surged due to escalating tensions in the Middle East, adding another layer of market volatility. Against this backdrop, CreditSights’ Zeng shared insights on China Tech’s credit outlook, offering perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in the sector. In summary, the markets experienced fluctuations as positive job data raised questions about potential Fed actions, impacting bond prices and tech stocks. Specific concerns about Apple’s inventory levels added to the tech sector’s challenges. The S&P 500 showed modest gains, while oil prices reacted to geopolitical tensions. Additionally, insights on China Tech’s credit outlook were provided to navigate the complex landscape.

Weekly U.S. jobless claims have hit a two-month low, decreasing by 18,000 to 202,000, indicating a gradually easing labor market. Continuing claims also dropped by 31,000 to 1.855 million. According to Reuters, despite a slight increase in the total number of Americans on jobless rolls, economists believe the economy is not heading toward a recession. The labor market, cooling after Federal Reserve interest rate hikes since March 2022, has a resilient unemployment rate below 4%. Financial markets anticipate potential interest rate cuts in March based on recent central bank meeting minutes, which express concerns about an abrupt downturn if labor demand weakens. Despite low layoffs in December, planned layoffs for 2023 surged to 721,677, the highest since 2020. The claims data will not impact the upcoming Labor Department’s December employment report, where nonfarm payrolls are expected to rise by 170,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate is forecasted to increase to 3.8%. Private payrolls increased by 164,000 jobs in December, according to the ADP National Employment Report, though its reliability in predicting the Labor Department’s count is uncertain. Continuing claims serve as a proxy for hiring but have faced difficulties in adjusting for seasonal fluctuations. Economists anticipate revisions to address these distortions.

On the stock market front, analysts are bearish on Antero Resources Corporation (NYSE:AR) and Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) by trimming their price targets. Check out the complete article to see details of these stocks.

Wall Street Analysts Just Trimmed Price Targets for These 10 Stocks

10. EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE:EOG)

Price Reaction after the Price Target Cut: +3.38 (+2.78%)

On January 3, Mizuho analyst Nitin Kumar adjusted the price target for EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE:EOG), a company in the oil and gas industry, reducing it from $150 to $138 while maintaining a Buy rating on the shares. The analyst’s decision is aligned with a strategic shift towards more defensive stock choices in the oil and gas sector as the firm enters 2024. In Mizuho’s assessment for the new year, eight stocks were downgraded, and three were upgraded. Among Mizuho’s top picks for 2024 are Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX), Coterra Energy Inc. (NYSE:CTRA), and Civitas Resources, Inc. (NYSE:CIVI). Despite maintaining a Buy rating on Diamondback Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:FANG), the stock was removed from the top pick list. The adjusted price target for EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE:EOG) indicates a current price of $124.98, reflecting a change of +2.8%. Mizuho’s approach to defensive stock selection reflects the evolving landscape in the oil and gas industry, with a nuanced stance on various stocks based on their potential resilience and performance in the coming year.

09. ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP)

Price Reaction after the Price Target Cut: +2.34 (+1.99%)

On January 3, Mizuho revised its price target for ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP), a major player in the energy industry, reducing it from $139.00 to $132.00 while maintaining a Neutral rating on the shares. The current price is recorded at $119.93, reflecting a price change of +2.0%. Mizuho’s decision to adjust the price target signifies a nuanced perspective within the energy sector. The reduction to $132.00 is part of Mizuho’s strategic evaluation, aligning with a Neutral rating to reflect their current stance on ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP) market performance. The recorded price change of +2.0% indicates the market’s response following Mizuho’s adjustment. This measured alteration in the price target reflects Mizuho’s ongoing analysis of market dynamics and their commitment to providing investors with informed insights into potential movements within the energy industry.

08. Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:MGY)

Price Reaction after the Price Target Cut: +0.25 (+1.16%)

On January 3, Mizuho adjusted its price target for Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:MGY), a significant player in the oil and gas industry, lowering it from $26.00 to $24.00 while maintaining a Neutral rating on the shares. The current price is reported at $21.74, reflecting a price change of +1.2%. Mizuho’s decision to revise the price target to $24.00 aligns with their ongoing evaluation of market dynamics within the oil and gas sector. The Neutral rating accompanying the adjustment indicates Mizuho’s current position on Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:MGY) anticipated performance in the market. The recorded price change of +1.2% showcases the market’s response following Mizuho’s modification.

Here is what Wasatch Ultra Growth Fund has to say about Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation (NASDAQ:MGY)  in its Q1 2022 investor letter:

“Another strong stock in the Fund was Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp. (NASDAQ:MGY). Operating primarily in oil-rich South Texas, the company engages in the development, exploration and production of oil and natural gas. Sharply higher prices for oil and gas boosted Magnolia’s share price during the first quarter. We’re impressed by the company’s disciplined management team and consistent record of returning cash to shareholders regardless of the price of oil.”

07. SM Energy Company (NYSE:SM)

Price Reaction after the Price Target Cut: +0.40 (+1.03%)

On January 3, Mizuho Securities analyst Nitin Kumar revised the price target for SM Energy Company (NYSE:SM), a notable player in the energy sector, reducing it from $50.00 to $44.00 while maintaining a Buy rating on the shares. The current price is recorded at $39.36, reflecting a price change of +1.1%. Mizuho’s strategic adjustment to the price target aligns with their ongoing evaluation of market dynamics within the energy industry. Despite the reduction to $44.00, the Buy rating emphasizes Mizuho’s positive outlook on SM Energy Company (NYSE:SM) potential performance in the market. The recorded price change of +1.1% indicates the market’s response following Mizuho’s modification. This measured adjustment in the price target underscores Mizuho’s commitment to providing investors with thorough and informed insights into potential movements within the energy sector. The nuanced approach reflects Mizuho’s ongoing analysis and dedication to guiding investors through the complexities of the market landscape.

06. Matador Resources Company (NYSE:MTDR)

Price Reaction after the Price Target Cut: +0.57 (+0.99%)

On January 3, Mizuho Securities adjusted its price target for Matador Resources Company (NYSE:MTDR), a significant player in the energy sector, reducing it from $83.00 to $67.00 while maintaining a Buy rating on the shares. The current price is reported at $57.97, reflecting a price change of +1.0%. Mizuho’s strategic decision to revise the price target to $67.00 aligns with their continuous evaluation of market dynamics within the energy industry. Despite the reduction, the maintained Buy rating signals Mizuho’s positive stance on Matador Resources Company (NYSE:MTDR) prospective performance in the market. The recorded price change of +1.0% indicates the market’s response following Mizuho’s adjustment. This measured modification in the price target underscores Mizuho’s commitment to offering investors thorough insights into potential shifts within the energy sector.

Here is what ClearBridge Investments Small Cap Strategy has to say about Matador Resources Company (NYSE:MTDR) in its Q3 2022 investor letter:

“We added Matador Resources (NYSE:MTDR), an oil and natural gas exploration and production company. The company has carefully acquired high-quality acreage across the Permian basin of West Texas and New Mexico that we believe could provide up to 20 years of consistent drilling activity. Additionally, the company is the majority owner of its infrastructure and midstream provider, which provides the company with a valuable asset and right of first call on transport capacity, which we believe is a hidden asset not reflected in the company’s share price.”

Click to continue reading and see Wall Street Analysts Just Trimmed Price Targets for These 5 Stocks.

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Disclosure: None. Wall Street Analysts Just Trimmed Price Targets for These 10 Stocks is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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