LONDON — On the face of it, there’s little similarity between mobile operator Vodafone Group plc (LON:VOD) and oil major BP plc (LON:BP). But they have one significant feature in common: Both have a substantial amount of their value tied up in minority interests over which they do not have control. So what lessons from Vodafone’s 45% share of U.S. joint venture Verizon Wireless might there be for BP’s new 20% interest in Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft?
Accidental value
Dividends from VW have funded Vodafone’s payouts, and its share price is riding high on expectation that Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) will buy Vodafone out. But for several years Vodafone Group plc (LON:VOD) was starved of cash from the U.S. as Verizon wanted to reinvest profits in the joint venture. Holding back future payouts is potentially a lever that Verizon still has.
Out of the frying pan…
BP plc (LON:BP) has swapped its 50% share in TNK-BP for just under 20% of Rosneft, the Russian state-owned oil company that produces more oil than Exxon, together with a hefty slug of cash.
The TNK-BP venture proved hugely successful — in nine years, BP got back around $50 billion from an $8 billion investment. But the relationship was fraught, not least for BP plc (LON:BP)’s CEO who was forced to leave Russia for his own safety. It was a telling illustration that the rules of the game in Russia are different from the West.
Rosneft is a safe-haven partner, providing the ultimate Russian-style Krysha, or protection, a state-owned company run by a CEO close to president Vladimir Putin. It should open up unique possibilities for BP plc (LON:BP) to grow its reserves, and it will surely be a useful partner for Rosneft. But with just 20% of a state-owned company, BP will be in a weak position if it falls out of favor.
Make or break
Verizon Wireless and TNK-BP both demonstrate that the make-or-break aspect of these big joint ventures is at the exit stage — and that’s a long way away yet for BP plc (LON:BP)’s stake in Rosneft.
The article Vodafone Group’s Lessons for BP originally appeared on and is written by Tony Reading.
Tony Reading owns shares of Vodafone. The Motley Fool has recommended shares of Vodafone Group plc (LON:VOD).
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