Vitesse Energy, Inc. (NYSE:VTS) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Bob Gerrity: Again, it’s something that we track by operator all the time because from our modeling standpoint, when a well is spud trying to determine when it’s going to come on data first production is something that plays a key role in any of our modeling. And all operators are different. I mean we saw some wells come on in the fourth quarter from one of our favorite operators that was a spud date-to-date of first production just a little over two months. It just – we hadn’t seen that before. Still the average is, I would still say is six months, seven months, eight months from spud to data first production. Some of those wells that we acquired in the third quarter were further along and those operators, and luckily, they were very high working interest wells. And they – the operators were able to get them turned on faster even then we had expected in underwriting.

Noel Parks: Okay. Interesting. Thanks a lot.

Bob Gerrity: Thanks Noel.

Jimmy Henderson: Thank you, Noel.

Operator: Thank you. And there are no further questions at this time. I will hand the floor back to Bob Gerrity for closing remarks. Great. Thank you. Again, thanks for participating and for the wonderful questions. Ben Messier will be available for any follow-up calls, and you can always reach out to us and again, thank you very much for your support.

Operator: Thank you. All participants may now disconnect.

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