Utz Brands, Inc. (NYSE:UTZ) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Howard Friedman: Yeah. Look, I think the Pretzel launch has been great for us and continues to perform in line with our expectations. We’re obviously getting to the point now where we’re lapping the initial introduction but we think that seasoned and flavored Pretzels, that segment continues to be a big opportunity and we continue to intend to address it. I think from an overall Zapp’s perspective, I think there are three things that we believe that we have opportunity on. One is about continuing to broaden its distribution not only geographically but within channels. It’s got a significant channel opportunity. Number two is, purely from a marketing communication and brand perspective, it is a brand that I think has not had the marketing yet that it deserves and obviously as we expand our marketing investment over time, we will look at that as one of the supported brands as we go forward.

And then last but certainly not least, at least from my perspective, I think it is a brand where we have channel opportunities and e-commerce opportunities where consumers see it in food service, see it in QSR and then go looking for the brand and if we’re thoughtful about the distribution, placement will also continue to be an opportunity for us.

Michael Lavery: Okay, great. Thanks so much.

Howard Friedman: Thanks Mike.

Operator: Your next question comes from the line of Jason English with Goldman Sachs. Your line is open.

Jason English: Hey, good morning folks. Thanks for slotting me in.

Howard Friedman: Good morning.

Ajay Kataria : Good morning.

Jason English: I apologize. You’re one of three reports in conference calls I’m juggling today so there’s a reasonably good chance that you’ve already answered this and I’m asking a redundant question, if so, my apologies. But the SKU rationalization drag is proving longer and larger than we expected. I know this time last year you thought it’d be done by midway through this year. I know you extended out a bit more coming into the year but where do we stand on that? How much longer is it expected to be a headwind? Is there a chance that we’re actually going to be able to close it out this year and go in with a clean portfolio, if you will, into fiscal ’24?

Howard Friedman: Jason, [indiscernible] thanks for the question. Look, Ajay assures me that my holiday New Year’s present will be the elimination of discussing SKU rationalization as we go into next year.

Ajay Kataria : And I confirm.

Howard Friedman: So we will, well SKU rationalization will always be something that we’ll do as sort of good hygiene, the extraordinary drag that we are experiencing this year, which creates a lot of challenges for us as you kind of look at the underlying strength of this business and you see what our Power Brands are really doing and what we’re doing with Vol/Mix. SKU rationalization is a drag that we all look forward to anniversarying at the end of the year, and we will stop talking about it as we go into next.

Jason English: I hope so. I’m going to hold you to that, Howard and Ajay.

Ajay Kataria : I’ll buy you a soda at Investor Day, that will reaffirm my promise.

Jason English: Well, let’s do better than that. We’ll meet up after the Investor Day with something better than a soda. So speaking of Investor Day, you foreshadowed a lot of discussion around productivity and supply chain optimization. And my question is whether or not — or why we should have confidence that you can walk and chew gum, if you will, at the same time. I said differently, a lot of companies often go after big productivity initiatives, and rarely is it done without some market share and market turbulence and some top line consequences. Should we expect the same sort of turbulence for you? And if not, what gives you confidence with that we won’t live through some of those bumps?

Howard Friedman: Yeah, so I agree with your thesis of why should you believe us? I think a lot of what our Investor Day will be about is showing you why you should believe us. But I think what makes us unique is that not only do we have the supply chain optimization opportunities that we’ll walk you through in some level of detail, introduce you to the team that will be responsible for executing it, but we also have an outsized expansion geography opportunity as well. And so I think that as you think about our top line growth and the head space that we have to support that growth within our network, I think we believe that we should be able to, to your point, walk and chew gum at the same time, be able to look at and improve our network, be able to look at the investments that are required to be able to increase automation, drive capacity and run the railroad the way we would want to and at the same time be able to drive greater growth in our expansion markets where we are able to do that today and we expect to do it tomorrow.

But all of that will be — we’ll lay out at the Investor Day and then I think, I’m sure you will give us your verdict on whether you believe us.

Jason English: Always do. All right, I look forward to learning more. Thanks a lot guys, I’ll pass it on.

Howard Friedman: Thanks Jason.

Ajay Kataria : Thanks Jason.

Operator: Next question comes from the line of Scott Marks with Jefferies, your line is open.

Scott Marks : Hi, good morning all, thanks for, thanks for taking my question.

Howard Friedman: Good morning Scott.

Ajay Kataria : Scott.