Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR)’s move to weed away offensive and threatening tweets will be a complicated system to deploy but it is doable, Shane Snow says in a discussion on Fox News.
Snow – who is co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Contently and contributor at Wired Magazine – tells Gretchen Carlson in a segment of The real Story that there is a real problem on the Internet with what are essentially bullies getting away with saying anything they like and generally being jerks because there is little to no consequence for this type of behavior on the World Wide Web. He says Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) is aiming to solve this problem with Quality Filters.
“What Twitter is realizing is that this is a huge problem [because] people are leaving, people do not want to get bullied and teens [and also celebrities] are getting bullied and so they have this new thing they are rolling out that basically they use technology to look for offensive words, threats and any kind of threatening behavior. They have to parse that from the jokes and everything else in your stream,” Snow said.
This is what makes developing and improving the technology and reaching its goal hard, the executive and author says.
Quality Filters will be a way for Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) to block out offensive or threatening tweets from the feeds of people. Snow notes that the technology is rolling out only to verified accounts at the moment.
The technology essentially mutes a person who is tweeting offensive or threatening content to someone else and makes them disappear from that person’s feed, Snow says. It looks like there will be settings that people can toggle and customize for filtering tweets, he adds.
Carlson showed Snow a sample tweet with the word “twit” and an insult made about a vacuum sucking off her brains. This exact content is what makes filtering difficult, Snow admits, because “twit” is in itself not that offensive a word in some contexts as it even is part of the Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) name.
Furthermore, the system has to take into account a friend making a joke to another friend, he says. Nonetheless, the social network will probably deploy computer-aided language processing to intelligently guess which tweets are offensive and threatening.
Bain Capital’s Brookside Capital owned about 1.92 million Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) shares by the end of 2014.
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