A way I could see Google using Twitter is by implanting a similar system I have with how Apple could use them. I could see them having a separate search, for example how they currently have ‘Google Search’ and ‘I’m Feeling Lucky,’ they could have another one named ‘Hash-Tag’ and you search by certain hash tags. Students could create hash tags for their classes, and every student could get involved outside of the classroom. This obviously is not limited to just students, but anyone could create hash tags and connect with other users with similar interests.
Facebook is an interesting prospect, since they are a social media giant themselves … how can it possibly work out?! Let’s take a look…
The big blue (Facebook) is known nowadays for their creative ways to put as much information/news on your newsfeed. Now, that can be seen as a positive if your wanting to know as much information about your friends as possible… or a negative if you don’t want to know everything, and just the basic news (status updates). What is so frustrating about this aspect of Facebook is that there is no way to change what is popping up on your newsfeed…. you get what you get. This is where I can see Twitter coming into the picture…
Twitter provides its users with a clear picture of what they are getting when they sign up. You only see information of people you follow and the re-tweets. This is where Facebook can take a page out of Twitters business model. Facebook as gotten away from allowing you to have a personalized page, they made everyone change to timeline and are implementing cover photos. I know personally, I don’t like any of those things…. I just want the basics.
Facebook could implement a system known as ‘Group Hash-Tags,’ and allow users to turn their profiles from seeing what their friends are doing, to what their friends are doing under a hash tag. This all comes back to connecting with people/friends that are interested in a similar subject. It would also be used outside of the classroom and allow you talk to friends about what went on in class, or what to expect on the next midterm.
Twitter is a very valuable asset, and I could see them bringing extreme value to one of these companies later down the road in 2013. Keep your eyes peeled for the day to come!
The article Twitter Buyout In 2013? originally appeared on Fool.com and is written by Peter Nitso.
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