Tsakos Energy Navigation Limited (NYSE:TNP) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Nikolas Tsakos: Well, thank you very much. It has been a pleasure announcing another record profit period. It is always and we’re looking forward to maintain and enhance our results. I was happy to also to say that we didn’t talk about it a lot. Paul mentioned it, our CFO, that we do not only have a positive income, but we are also maintaining control on our expenses, because I think this is very important. Many times in a good market, people forget the expenses and that bites them when things turn soar. So, I think that is also a good sign from us. We are there to — our aim now, I think, is to get our share price to the levels it should be. And I think it has a long way to go from where we are today. We will not — we’re not one quarter-minded company, so we will not do things just to make investors happy for the next quarter and then surprise them on the following one.

We’re looking at things more longer term. And we want to thank you for your support. As Nicolas Bornozis said, we will be celebrating our actually 30 years since we entered the Oslo Stock Exchange back in October of 1993. And we will having — we will have a presentation of the company’s doings in London next week for that and in New York on the actual date, and of course, later in the month also back in Europe. So, thank you very much and looking forward to meet a few of you and help you appreciate the value of our share.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes today’s conference call. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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