Travere Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TVTX) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Unidentified Analyst: Hey, this is Adam on for Mohit. What are the current areas of focus to ensure the FILSPARI launch is a success? And would start forms or sales be the better metric to watch over the next two quarters?

Eric Dube: Yes. It’s a great question, Adam. Why don’t I take that one? I would say earlier in launch patient start forms are the best lead indicator. It truly is reflective of the underlying demand by patients and by physicians. And I think as we’ve seen that’s a very strong focus. I think as we now have an increase in access and what Peter laid out in the last couple of calls is it takes about three quarters to lay that foundation for a launch like this. And so we’re well positioned to do that. Once we get through that, we do expect to see meaningful uplift in revenue and that really should be then the measure of success moving forward. But I think as we demonstrated in Q2, patient start forms reflect a high level of demand out there. We expect that will continue through the rest of the year. And again, we’ll be positioned to have a very successful launch in the years to come.

Unidentified Analyst: Great. Thank you.

Eric Dube: Thank you.

Operator: We will take our next question from the line of Vamil Divan with Guggenheim Securities. Vamil Divan, your line is now open.

Vamil Divan: Great. Thanks for taking the questions and all the color on the call. So just maybe you can provide a little more insight on just sort of exactly which patients are getting prescribed FILSPARI. I’m trying to get a sense of sort of are the ones in the academic setting versus or in the community setting? Are they being prescribed after they get an SGLT2 before SGLT2s? Also maybe just kind of how TARPEYO is fitting into this as it being given on top of TARPEYO is there any other sort of added insights on the sort of patient profile that’s being prescribed the product would be helpful. Thank you.

Eric Dube: Great. Thank you for the question. Peter why don’t you take those?

Peter Heerma: Yes. Thanks for that question, Vamil. So I think patient characteristic. I think several items I would call. I think first from a payer coverage perspective, what we said from the onset is that two-third of those patients are commercial and that is very much in line with our expectations. It’s a patient population that is predominantly male. That’s also in line with our expectations. I think the average age that we are seeing is in the mid-40s. But a particular question that you were asking like where does it fit in the treatment paradigm? And what we start to see is that physicians understand that this is early on as it is replacing ACEs and ARBs. Often these are rapidly progressive patients and often those patients are right now on RAS inhibition together with SGLT2.

So what we are seeing is that for those patients that are being prescribed right now, it’s replacing ACE inhibitors or ARBs but often in combination with SGLT2. To your other question with regards to TARPEYO, steroids in general are like a later resource but it’s still on top of ACE and ARBs or now with FILSPARI that’s how we see it being used as well.

Vamil Divan: Okay. Thank you.

Peter Heerma: Thank you.

Operator: We will take our next question from the line of Laura Chico with Wedbush Securities. Laura Chico, your line is now open.