Top Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Japan

Japan is one of the most sought-after traveling locations for people all over the world. It is a land where tradition and modernity blend perfectly and create a unique experience. Japan is known for its ancient customs and cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, many are familiar with the stoic and polite nature of the nation’s people. If you have already planned a trip and are looking for important things to pay attention to you are at the right place. Or if you are someone looking to travel to Japan we will have everything you need to familiarize yourself with before visiting Japan.

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Things You Need to Know Before Visiting Japan

A trip to Japan is a unique experience for anyone who plans to experience it. Because of this, it is important to prepare and learn tips from Japan that will be useful to you. From cultural awareness to practical travel advice, there is a lot you can learn before even packing for your trip. So let’s take a look at what you should know before visiting Japan:

Visa Requirements – It is important to check if you need a visa based on your home country. If you are lucky you get to skip this step and can freely enter Japan.

Travel Insurance – Travel insurance is incredibly important as it can save you in a pinch on the other side of the world. Furthermore, the peace of mind it offers is enough to justify the price.

Visiting Season – Japan is a country that changes a lot throughout the seasons so it is important to know what you wish to see. Spring for cherry blossoms, autumn for stunning foliage, or winter for the snowy wonders.

Currency – Capan is a cash-heavy society, especially stores for small purchases, so make sure to carry yen with you. Keep in mind that while ATMs are readily available, not all accept foreign cards, and there can be steep fees. Furthermore, make sure to check up on the necessary payment apps for public transport to streamline the process of navigation.

Language – Finally, if you ask yourself how much Japanese you need to know how to visit Japan, we have the answer. It is best to know as much as possible, however, this isn’t an option for everyone. As a result, we advise you to at least learn a few basic phrases to ease communication. Additionally, you can download a translation app to have handy on the fly.

This concludes the basic things to know before going to Japan. However, you can expand your knowledge quickly by looking up things to know before visiting Japan online. It is always good to be best prepared when visiting a new region!

Japanese Etiquette and Manners

Japanese etiquette is an integral part of any trip to Japan and learning it will help you to avoid mistakes during your stay. So if you wish to have an authentic and polite experience it is best to familiarize yourself with the basics. Some of the most important factors to keep in mind are as follows:

Bowing – Bowing is a common greeting in the country and a sign of respect.

Gift Giving – Another tradition is to bring small gifts when visiting someone’s home. So keep this in mind if you will visit friends or family.

Respectful Language – Politeness and respect go a long way in Japan. So try to use honorifics such as ‘’san’’ when addressing others.

Aside from these manners you also have to keep in mind your manners in public spaces. For public transport, you must keep conversations to a minimum and silence your phone. If you don’t you will notice how much you stuck out among the locals. Dining etiquette is also important, you should always say ‘’itadakimasu’’ before eating, which expresses gratitude for the meal. There are many other manners when it comes to eating, however, the most important to follow is to avoid sticking chopsticks vertically into the rice. This is because this act is associated with funeral rituals and can send the wrong message.

Planning Your Japan Trip

Planning your Japan trip is exciting but has so many options that it often becomes an overwhelming task. To mitigate this here are the two most important Japanese tips when it comes to creating the perfect itinerary:

Iconic Destinations – When starting your planning make a list of the most important destinations you want to visit. Be it Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, or whatever put them down on a list. With this, you can plan out not only the large tourist attractions in the cities but plan some smaller destinations. We recommend taking a look at Hokkaido during the winter season as it is one of the unique things Japan is known for.

Transportation – Aside from picking out your destinations it is important to figure out how you will navigate between them. The Japan rail pass will most likely be the perfect product for you. It offers unlimited travel on JR trains, giving you the comfort of a smooth and affordable journey. Furthermore, riding on the JR trains is a special experience you should try if possible.

What Not to Do in Japan: Cultural Taboos

Aside from Japanese etiquette and the manners in Japan, you must get familiar with cultural taboos. The last thing you want to do is accidentally commit one of the most disrespectful things to do in Japan. Some of the most common ones you should keep an eye out for are:

Speaking loudly in public spaces – It is important that you keep your voice down in public areas and maintain the established peace.

Tipping – Tipping while it may be a common act in other countries in Japan can and has been seen as offensive. Because of this, you should always only pay the amount that is on the check.

Pointing – In Japan pointing at people or things is also considered impolite. If you want to point at something you should use your whole hand instead of a finger.

These are just a few of the most common cultural taboos you should pay attention to. As you navigate Japan you will quickly learn what is appropriate and what isn’t, especially if you stay for a longer period.

Casinos in Japan

Casinos in Japan are fairly new in their entertainment landscape as they were prohibited for a long time. All operating casinos in Japan are strictly regulated and monitored by governing parties. While the selection for traditional gambling games is limited this is circumvented by other games such as pachinko’s. Aside from the in-person experience you have the option to play online. We recommend that you search for popular Japanese online casinos where you can play with virtual currency, as they usually offer the best services. All of this will give you a good insight into the emerging industry and leave you with a memorable experience.

Cool and Unique Things You Can Only Buy in Japan

Japan is famous for its exclusive and at times frankly weird products. This is a large attraction that has visitors setting aside a whole coffer to bring back home. Some of the cool things you can only buy in Japan include limited-edition snacks, such as the many unique KitKat flavors. Additionally, you can buy traditional crafts, tech gadgets, figurines, and so many other cool and useful items.

Best Things About Japanese Culture

Some of the best things about Japanese culture come from its deep traditional roots. Tea ceremonies and seasonal festivals are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Japanese events. Aside from the more traditional aspects of culture, you can easily get engrossed in the more modern culture of anime and pop. This diversity makes it so that there will always be something you can look or buy that suits your interests.  Aside from these, you will learn many other things to know about Japanese culture.


Japan offers a fascinating blend of experiences that cater to all types of travelers. By understanding what not to do in Japan and learning Japanese etiquette you can enhance your experience. Things such as how tips in Japan work and how to greet people will come in handy.