Top 11 Philippine Fraternities and Sororities

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8. Alpha Theta Omega (Althonians)

Active National Chapters: 79
The Alpha Theta Omega fraternity and sorority was founded on November 27, 1968, at the Central Mindanao University. After 47 years, the national organization has established a total of 79 chapters in the county. Despite not having an international chapter yet, the Althonians have managed to persuade Filipinos mostly in the Visayas and Mindanao to join the brotherhood. Besides the number of chapters the Alpha Theta Omega has in the Philippines, they have several core values Filipinos can take a lesson from. Mostly, the Althonians give importance to education, brotherhood, and service to Filipino and non-Filipino people. According to the Althonians themselves, they are “a society that is pro-GOD, pro-Country and pro-People.”

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