Nowadays, freedom, justice, and equality are all important indicators of a thriving community, which the top countries in the world where justice prevails all enjoy. People in these countries can rest easy knowing that things are relatively fair in the country for all citizens, and that if any injustice is perpetrated upon them, justice will be meted out on their behalf in due time.
Of course, despite the advancements made by humankind, and the flourishing of wealth and democracy to many corners of the world, not all nations on the planet are as blessed with liberty and justice as some other countries. In these countries, it is an almost unshakable tradition that money is the prime determinant in how one is treated by others, including the government and police. Those with money are kings, who can sometimes literally get away with murder, while those without it are virtually ignored, with little chance of receiving justice for wrongdoings committed against them.
As such, we would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the top 8 countries in the world where justice prevails, based on the latest statistics released by the World Justice Project, which releases a Rule of Law index annually, in which it ranks countries across the globe according to their perceived level of justice. In order to come up with the rankings, experts at World Justice Project interviewed 1,000 people living in 3 major cities from 99 nations around the world. Each of the interviews was identical and consisted of questions regarding corruption, crime, civil liberties, and government powers.
In you’re still interested in discovering places where you can live in peace and safety, then be sure to check out our list of The 10 Safest Countries in the World to Live in Peace. As you’ll discover on that list however, the safest countries aren’t necessarily the best examples of countries in the world where justice prevails. In fact, there is not a single crossover from both lists, despite the current list factoring in crime rates. As you’ll see, the countries with the greatest levels of justice tend to be European, while the safest countries in the world tend to be Asian.
Are you ready to see the top countries in the world where justice prevails? Let’s take a look at the list and see where they can be found.
No. 8: Australia
Australian interviewees most appreciate how their nation handles regulatory enforcement. For example, when asked if a company is likely to abide by environmental laws, two-thirds responded affirmatively.
No. 7: Austria
Respondents from Austria were particularly optimistic when asked about their justice system. Austrians seem to appreciate how their government handles their justice system and believe issues to be minor in this department.
No. 6: New Zealand
New Zealand scored the highest when it came to transparency of governmental agencies, with all responses stating that agencies are likely or very likely to release public information when asked for it.
No. 5: The Netherlands
Respondents in the Netherlands have a high level of confidence in their judicial system. Most respondents indicated that they believe the system to be virtually corruption free. In addition, the Netherlands also scored highly on regulatory enforcement and civil justice.
No. 4: Finland
According to the surveys performed in Finland, it appears that this nation has one of the most transparent and fair criminal justice systems in the world. Interviewees appreciated that the local police has the resources it needs to ensure a just society. Furthermore, corruption amongst judges and law enforcement never seems to be an issue in Finland.
3: Sweden
85% of the Swedes interviewed stated that minorities enjoy religious freedom and that the local media can state their opinion, even if it is against the government or people in power, without fearing retribution. While it only scored the third spot on the overall ranking, Sweden comes first when it comes to ensuring human rights.
No. 2: Norway
Norway might only be the runner-up in this year’s ranking, but it is first when it comes to civil justice, transparent government, and regulatory enforcement. Virtually all respondents appreciated that the local governments willingly offer public information.
No. 1: Denmark
People in Denmark responded positively towards the way corruption is handled in their country. 75% of interviewees said that government officials are punished for acts of corruption through fines and even imprisonment, regardless of their rank.