Top 5 Ways to Ditch Bad Spending Habits

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1. Come up with a budget

One of the main reasons why our spending habits tend to go awry is because we never really take the time to make a budget for ourselves. Even though this activity should not last more than a few minutes, most people never get around to setting a budget and sticking to it. Using the information you’ve acquired by tracking your expenses, try to figure out how much money you need on a weekly basis. Set aside money for rent, bills, and everyday items and also allot a portion of your paycheck to personal pleasure expenses, such as eating out or cinema tickets. Compile a budget in such a way that, at the end of the month, you’ll still be left with some money to set aside. Creating a budget is definitely one of the top ways to ditch bad spending habits. If you don’t believe it, try it for yourself, and share with us your experience through comments below!

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