Top 5 Ways in which Technology has Changed the Way We Look at Money

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1. Online payments

Few things have changed the way in which we view shopping and finances more than the advent of online payment methods and credit cards. Along with the development of these technologies, the modern man was introduced to a whole new realm of opportunities. People can now buy anything their heart desires, from groceries and clothing to toilet paper and cars without having to step foot out of their homes, a feat which was virtually inconceivable a decade or two ago.

It all comes down to that now, thanks to the technology, we don’t even have to move our butts and leave the house in order to spend some money. After you finish reading this text, you can easily purchase new shoes, without having to move one inch. Easy and useful right? Let me ask you one thing, is it the same feeling when you purchase your shoes online without even trying them and having to walk to a couple of stores, try a few pairs, see a friend and have an unplanned coffee with him? Also, do you think you would spend the same amount when you pay in cash and when you pay with a card (or online)?

If you have your opinion on this topic and can think of few more ways in which technology has changed the way we look at the money, we would like to hear them!

Top 5 Ways in which Technology has Changed the Way We Look at Money


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