Since the 1970s, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has steadily evolved into one of the most profitable corporations in the world. The multinational company, which designs, manufactures, and sells a wide range of technological devices has grown into one of the most popular and widely-recognized brands on Earth. Despite its influence, there are still a few things that most people do not know about Apple.
Following, we would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the top 5 things you didn’t know about Apple. Curious to learn more about one of the biggest corporations in the world? Let’s take a look at the countdown.
No.5: The iPad has the most successful track record of any technological device
Since its release in late 2010, the iPad has become the most fast adopted piece of technology ever introduced to the public. Up till now, Apple has sold more than 155 mil units, and even though sales fluctuate throughout the course of a year, figures have been on an upward trajectory every since the release of the product. It is estimated that Apple has generated over $80 billion in revenue from iPad sales alone.
No.4: Apple has some of the most loyal customers around

Apple consumers usually are profoundly devoted and most customers own more than one Apple device. It is estimated that more 30 % individual homes in the US own one or more Apple gadgets, and a great percentage own even more than 2 Apple devices. Some people have taken their devotion towards Apple to a new extreme and have even tattooed the famous logo of the bitten apple on their bodies.
No.3: Apple has found a way to avoid paying taxes since 2009
Apple has avoided forking over more than $74 billion in taxes by relocating most of its cash assets in offshore account since 2009. In addition, the company also organized a shareholder payout, through which it avoided paying taxes amounting to $9.2 billion. Some financial experts have even gone as far as saying that, had Apple paid its taxes in the US, many of the recent budget cuts imposed by the Federal government could have been easily avoided.
No.2: Apple once held the title of most irresponsible labor rights offender
Out of all 29 major technology corporations that are working with Chinese suppliers, Apple was deemed to be the most irresponsible and non-responded, according to a report published in 2011 by a group of Chinese non-profit organizations. After the report, Apple maintained a low reaction, which further fueled animosity against the company and its effort to ensure environmental and labor rights in China.
No.1: Apple is the world’s most valuable tech company
Apple ranks as the most valuable tech company in the world and the second most valuable corporation. If we take into account market capitalization, Apple has a reported value of over $400 billion. 70% of Apple’s yearly revenue is explained through the sales of iPads and iPhones, who have become the corporation’s bread and butter.