Top 5 Stock Picks of Frank Fu’s CaaS Capital

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1. Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI)

CaaS Capital’s Stake Value: $33,250,000
Percentage of CaaS Capital’s 13F Portfolio: 1.36%
Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 39

Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI) operates a grocery and pharmacy chain. Ivan Feinseth, a Tigress Financial analyst, boosted his price objective on Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI) to $32 from $27 on April 29 and reiterated a Neutral rating on the stock.

Among the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey, 39 funds were bullish on Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI), with collective stakes worth approximately $5.66 billion, up from 29 funds in the prior quarter, holding stakes in the company valued at roughly $4.93 billion.

CaaS Capital held 1 million shares in Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI) as of the first quarter of 2022. The hedge fund’s investment in the company accounted for 1.36% of its portfolio in the first quarter, up from 0.28% in the fourth quarter of 2021. Also, as of the first quarter of 2022, Cerberus Capital Management is the leading stakeholder of Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI), with over 151.82 million shares.

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