The top smartphone apps employers don’t allow their staff to use are familiar to most smartphone users. Smartphones have become ubiquitous in our everyday life: we use them to keep in contact with our loved ones, check the latest news, share important events, keep track of our eating and spending habits, and so on. But when it comes to using smartphones in our workplace, things become a little tricky. Some employers supply their staff with phones they are supposed to use during work hours and others let their employees use their own phones.
For the ones who get their phones from their employers, it is pretty much evident that they should not be installing any additional apps on it. But for what purposes should you be using your personal phone while working? Following, we would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the top smartphone apps employers don’t allow their staff to use.
Curious to see if you are already using them at work? Let’s take a look at the countdown.
No. 5 Smartphone App Employers Don’t Allow Their Staff to Use: Game Apps
It pretty much goes without saying that you shouldn’t be playing games on your phone while at work; even if you’re anxious to finish that level you never got the chance to the previous night. If you really can’t refrain from using your favorite game apps, at least wait until your lunch break.
No. 4 Smartphone App Employers Don’t Allow Their Staff to Use: Chat Apps
Chat apps, such as Whatsapp, Viber, SnapChat, or ChatOn are great to keep in contact with your friends, but there’s no room for them in the workplace. Picking up the phone when somebody important is calling you is perfectly fine, but engaging in chat conversation while working is not accepted by most employers. It distracts you from what you should be doing and it lowers your productivity.
No. 3 Smartphone App Employers Don’t Allow Their Staff to Use: Instagram
Instragram is a beloved app amongst users who love to share their photos with friends. However, you shouldn’t really be taking photos of yourself or of the perfect heart shape in your coffee mug while at work, should you? Taking photos, posting them online, and browsing through other people’s galleries is a big distraction from your job responsibilities, and your employer would certainly not appreciate seeing you use it in the office.
No. 2 Smartphone App Employers Don’t Allow Their Staff to Use: Facebook
Facebook might just be the biggest time waster out of all smartphone apps. Even if you go on it just to check your messages, you end up spending a lot of time on it. Posting photos from your workplace and chatting with fellow Facebook friends are other things employers frown upon. So even if you’re allowed to use your own phone at work, make sure you refrain from using it until you get home.
No. 1 Smartphone App Employers Don’t Allow Their Staff to Use: Twitter
Posting 140-characther long messages on your Twitter account might not seem like a big distraction, but this is really one app you shouldn’t be using while working. Employers don’t really appreciate their staff taking the time out of their work hours to let the online world know what’s going on.
If you liked our list of the top smartphone apps employers don’t allow their staff to use, check out our “Top 4 Cybersecurity Threats.”