Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Property in Turkey Right Now

Investing in real estate is a big decision that demands deliberation over several factors. Property in Turkey investments by foreign nationals is popular. It is all about the country’s economy. Because of potential investments, it remains stable, accompanied by numerous governmental motivations and profitability. Here are the top five reasons why now is the perfect time to invest in property in Turkey. Try to remember all important factors before making decisions.

Strong Economic Growth

Turkey has experienced strong economic growth in the last ten years making it attractive for investors in property. Despite global financial fluctuations, the Turkish economy has weathered all storms demonstrating remarkable resilience and being propelled by sectors like construction, manufacturing and tourism among others. This country’s strategic positioning between Europe and Asia enhances its appeal as an investment destination. When you invest in Turkey’s property market, you take advantage of this vibrant economy thereby guaranteeing your investment of steady returns or even more.

Government Stimulus

The Turkish government has introduced various incentives to attract foreigners investing in their real estate sector including one that allows citizenship only through dollar investment programs. A minimum value of $400,000 spent on property purchases gives investors automatic access to Turkish nationality together with their family members such as spouses and children below 18 years old who are still dependent on them for survival. Furthermore, the process of buying property has been made easier by the government who is encouraging investment from foreigners by exempting them from tax and offering other incentives. This means that it is a good time to invest in Turkey.

High Yielding Rentals

Turkey offers some of the best rental yields in the area especially in major cities like Antalya, Istanbul and Izmir. This demand arises due to an increase in population growth rate, tourist influxes and expatriates relocating for work purposes. As a result, this market guarantees a consistent inflow of income over rentals to those investing in properties. Furthermore, foreign investors can benefit from very favorable currency rates when buying Turkey’s class properties at very competitive prices thus increasing the potential returns through rent.

Tourism Industry Growth

Every year millions of tourists flock into Turkey as it remains one of the most sought after tourism destinations worldwide. The vibrant tourism sector ensures there is an active market for short term leased estates especially along coastal towns and cultural centers. For instance, during peak seasons, investors can take advantage of the high need for holiday homes hence make high revenue upon renting them out. These additional consumers not only boost rental incomes but also appreciate property value over time, making it a profitable investment choice. Many housing projects which can be found in urban and suburban parts are equipped with modern facilities making them attractive and valuable.


Investing in property in Turkey provides a distinct avenue for profiting from the industry. Turkey stands out as the most ideal place on earth where people can invest into real estate because it has strong economic fundamentals, government incentives, high rental yields, booming tourism industry among other factors hence have all components of a perfect real estate destination.