Top 5 Information Technology Countries in the World

In this article, we will discuss the top 5 information technology countries in the world. To read our detailed analysis of the IT industry, click Top 20 Information Technology Countries in the World.

5. Germany 

Share of The BECH Index 2022: 3.16%

Germany’s IT industry had an annual turnover of EUR178 billion in 2021, representing about 5% of its gross domestic product (GDP). The sector is also a significant employer, with over 1.3 million skilled workers at the end of 2022. It comprises various segments, such as hardware, software, IT services, and consumer electronics. According to Statista, the software and IT services segment had the highest revenue in 2021, with EUR102.5 billion, followed by consumer electronics, with EUR8.2 billion. The sector is also a significant exporter of ICT services, with a value of EUR 21.7 billion in 2020.

4. Japan 

Share of The BECH Index 2022: 4.05%

Japan’s IT sector is a large and diverse part of its economy. According to Statista, the industry had an annual turnover of almost JPY16.7 trillion (about $147 billion) in 2020, representing about 3.3% of the global IT market and about 3% of the country’s GDP. The sector is also a major employer, with over 800 thousand workers at software companies. It consists of various segments, such as programming services, system services, open source, and software as a service (SaaS), where the IT service market alone had a revenue of $116 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to $122 billion by 2024.

3. India 

Share of The BECH Index 2022: 8.02%

In FY22, India’s IT sector contributed 7.4% of GDP; by 2025, this share is anticipated to increase to 10%. The sector, in addition to Business Process Management (BPM) industry, posted a revenue of $227 billion in FY22, a 15.5% year-on-year growth. The IT services segment alone accounted for $97 billion of the total revenue, while the BPM segment contributed $38 billion. The sector’s domestic market size was $45 billion in FY21, while the export market was $150 billion. Additionally, the industry employed around 4.6 million people in FY21 and added 138,000 new jobs in the same year. Most importantly, India is the world’s largest sourcing destination for IT services, with a share of 67% of the global market in 2020. The country has over 1,200 global delivery centers across more than 80 countries.

2. USA 

Share of The BECH Index 2022: 16.36%

Although The BECH Index considers China ahead of the United States, the latter accounts for one-third of the global IT market, making it the largest tech market in the world. This industry accounts for $1.9 trillion of the country’s value-added GDP (more than 10 percent of the national economy) and 12.1 million jobs. The US is a leader in software development, cloud computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies. It has over 557,000 software and IT services companies (approximately 13,400 tech startups were established in 2019 alone). The country is also a significant exporter of ICT services, with a value of $338 billion in 2019.

1. China 

Share of The BECH Index 2022: 19.22%

China’s IT sector is a fast-growing and competitive part of its economy and the global IT market. According to IBISWorld, the sector’s revenue was $1.1 trillion in 2021, growing by 8.5% annually from 2017 to 2022. It accounted for 6.3% of the country’s GDP in 2021, up from 5.4% in 2017. Over 10.8 million people worked in the sector in 2021, increasing by 4.9% annually from 2017 to 2022. Additionally, the sector exported $86.9 billion worth of services in 2021, growing by 6.8% annually from 2017 to 2022, and, at the same time, imported $32.4 billion worth of services, rising by 5.6% annually from 2017 to 2022. The rapid development of software, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, and other emerging technologies drives China’s IT sector.

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