Top 5 Highest Paying Jobs for Web Designers

The great thing about pursuing a web design college program is that it will give you the opportunity to occupy a myriad of job position in the IT field. While most people would be inclined to think that web designing is merely about building web pages, these professionals have numerous skills and abilities that would permit them to comply with various job responsibilities. Some jobs in the web sector can be better paid than others, so it is a good idea to compare and contrast between the various employment options a web designer has. Following, we would to present you with a list we have compiled of the top 5 highest paying jobs in the industry of web designing. Let’s take a look at the countdown.

No. 5: Server and Network Administrators

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Apart from knowing how to build a website, web designers also learn how to manage one. Opting to become a server and network administrator can get you hired in numerous companies, but, unfortunately, it is one of the least high paid jobs in the field. Starting salaries are around the $38,000 per year mark and can rise with experience. Nonetheless, senior administrators can expect to be paid at least $80,000, usually after several years of working in the field.

No. 4: Animation and Game Developers

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Due to their experience working with graphic elements, web designers can successfully work as animation and game developers. While starting salaries are not the highest in the industry (ranging between $35,000 and $40,000), a job with a big company and several years of experience can increase your salary to over $100,000 per year.

No. 3: Java Developers


Any web designers is required to know how to work with Java, one of the most popular support platforms used when designing web pages. But those professionals who can take their skills to the next level and focus solely on Java developing can expect to get good money for it. A qualified professional gets a good starting salary (over $50,000) and can expect a substantial increase (over $75,000) with experience.

No. 2: Web Designers

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Graduates of web design programs who choose to focus solely on building web pages are making a good career choice. The only drawback would be that, in order to secure a steady pay, you would be required to find a job with a company that keeps in-house web designers. The median salary for such a job position is quite high, over $50,000 per year. Nonetheless, even if you can’t secure a job with a top company, you could still be making good money as a freelance (approximately $50 per hour).

No. 1: Web Developers

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No website can function properly without a skilled web developer, which has lead numerous designers transition into this field. This appears to be a great choice, as web developers are the best paid professionals in the field of web designing. While a standard web designer focuses more on the aesthetic appeal of a web page, a developer will also ensure that the page runs properly, without malfunctions or glitches. People working in the field can expect starting salaries of over $55,000 and an increase to at least $80,000 with experience. Top companies in the industry pay even more than that.