Top 5 Dividend Paying Stocks To Buy Under $50

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Below you can find our list of the top 5 dividend paying stocks under $50 according to hedge funds. For our detailed discussion and a more comprehensive list please see 10 Best Dividend Paying Stocks To Buy Under $50.

5. Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE)

Hedge Funds: 66
Total Hedge Fund Holdings: $2.12 billion
Dividend Yield: 3.70%
Price (at the time of writing): $41.12

Pfizer has been enjoying a lot of media attention recently, given it is one of the front-liners in the battle for developing and releasing a wide-use COVID vaccine. Has it been enjoying the same amount of interest from investors, though? Our data shows that hedge fund investor interest has been flat at 66 portfolios, same as in Q2.

However, Pfizer has recently announced positive results in its vaccine trials and has been making steps to start vaccination in multiple nations. Pfizer stock was one of  the first buys of Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway for Q3. Berkshire bought 3.91 million PFE shares during Q3, building an ownership stake valued at over $136 million as of September 30.

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