Top 5 Celebrity Marriages Which Should Have Had Prenups

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1. Mel Gibson and Robyn Denise Moore marriage

You might not agree with me here, but I just have to spit it out. In my expert opinion, Mel Gibson and Robyn Moore’s marriage might have had the biggest divorce payout EVER!

After 28 years of being marriage, the couple unfortunately decided to end their relationship. This, without a doubt, created a gigantic hole not just in Mel Gibson’s heart, but most especially in his wallet.  Mel, having an approximate net worth of $900 million during the time of the whole divorce process, did not have any choice but abide by the California law and share 50% of his assets to his ex-wife.

According to sources, Robyn walked away with $425 million after the divorce. Woah! Who would’ve thought celebrity marriage disasters can actually give a woman millions and millions of dollars? Before finally saying “I do” think good and try to avoid having the same destiny as our top 5 celebrities which should have had prenups!

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