Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Breakthroughs of 2024

2. OpenAI’s CLIP Model in 2024

The CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) model, developed by OpenAI, marks a significant breakthrough in artificial intelligence in 2024. According to the paper Social Perception Of Faces In A Vision-Language Model published by Carina I. Hausladen, Manuel Knott, Colin F. Camerer, and Pietro Perona, CLIP transformer-based architecture, which powers both the vision and language components of the model. This design enables CLIP to perform a wide array of tasks that involve understanding and interpreting images in the context of natural language and can execute complex functions with remarkable versatility.

CLIP can match images with corresponding textual descriptions and vice versa. This capability not only enhances image retrieval systems but also enables the model to perform zero-shot learning, a machine learning scenario in which an AI model is trained to recognize and categorize objects or concepts without having seen any examples of those categories or concepts beforehand.