1. Always & Forever Weddings and Receptions:
Location: 2902 Lake East Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Contact: (702) 318-5683
Yellowpages rating: 4.5
Tripadvisor rating: 4
Google rating: 4.5
Facebook rating: 4.3
Wedding wire rating: 4.2
Average rating: 4.3
This is the first entry in our list of top 24 hour walk-in wedding chapels in Las Vegas to have received ratings from 5 distinct sources. This is why we ranked it at the very top of our list. On top of that, the average rating is also high. Well, the services and the convenience the chapel offers do warrant a lot of praise. You have the option to segment your entire wedding and hold specific segments at the chapel and the rest elsewhere. You are not being forced to subscribe to the entire package. In other words, you have the option to heavily customize your entire wedding if you wish to do it through Always & Forever Weddings and Receptions
Hopefully, you liked our list of top 24 hour walk-in wedding chapels in Las Vegas. As I stated earlier, even though Vegas is the wedding capital of the world, but there are merely a handful of 24 hour wedding chapels in Vegas at the moment. If you have any suggestions or tips, do let us know via the comment section. We wish you all the best for your wedding day.