Top 24 Hour Walk In Wedding Chapels in Las Vegas

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2. Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel:

Location: 1205 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89104

Contact: (702) 577-2226

Yellowpages rating: 5

Tripadvisor rating: 4.5

Google rating: 4.2

Facebook rating: 4.4

Average rating: 4.5

At the number 3 spot on our list of top 24 hour walk-in wedding chapels in Las Vegas, we have Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel. Of course, this wedding chapel offers a 24 hour service and the packages offered by the chapel are also pretty convenient. There are several themed weddings and also other types of customization available for you to choose from. The chapel received ratings from 4 distinct sources, and its average rating is above 4.5, this is why the chapel is ranked so high on the list.

 Top 24 Hour Walk In Wedding Chapels in Las Vegas

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