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Top 20 Wine Drinking Countries in the World

In this article, we are going to discuss the top 20 wine drinking countries in the world. You can skip our detailed analysis of the global wine market, the trends of global wine consumption, the new acquisition in the wine industry, and sustainable wine-making, and go directly to Top 5 Wine Drinking Countries in the World

In ancient times, due to the scarcity of water, wine had become an essential need rather than a luxury, so it came to symbolize sustenance and life. The drink has had such a tremendous cultural impact on human society that it even played an important role in several religions and rituals around the world. Besides being a tipple to be enjoyed, wine is also a social signifier, a reflection of one’s tastes and personality, and a tool for building relationships. 

Global Wine Market:

According to Vantage Market Research, the global wine market size was valued at $441.6 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach a value of $698.54 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 5.9% over the forecast period. 

The increasing adaptation of wine among all age groups, from youngsters to the old age population around the globe is a major factor driving the growth of the industry. Moreover, the health benefits and the premiumization of wine products, together with the innovations in the flavor and the more progressive distribution networks, are also prime factors boosting the global wine market growth. 

The United States was the world leader in the wine market in 2022 in terms of revenue, with $52.7 billion. You can also check out the U.S. States that Produce the Most Wine.

Trends of Global Wine Consumption:

The global wine consumption in 2022 was estimated to be at 232 million hectoliters, marking a decrease of 1% compared to the previous year. Since 2018, wine consumption around the world has decreased at a regular rate. This negative trend can be mainly attributed to the decline in China’s consumption, which has lost an average 2 million hectoliters per year since 2018. This downward trend was accentuated in 2020 by the Covid-19 pandemic, which negatively affected many large wine markets. 

In 2022, the war in Ukraine and the associated energy crisis, together with the global supply chain disruptions, led to a spike in costs in production and distribution. This has resulted in significant increases in wine prices for the consumers. 

New Acquisition in the Wine Industry:

Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ) is a leading premium wine company, with a widely admired portfolio that includes Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi, Clos du Bois, Blackstone, Estancia, Ravenswood etc. The company has followed its divestment of the Funky Buddha Brewery with the acquisition of a Californian wine brand in June. 

Domaine Curry, described by the group as a ‘luxury Napa Valley wine brand’ joined the portfolio last week. The brand, which has been purchased for an undisclosed amount from Coup de Foudre, will join Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ)’s The Prisoner Wine Co unit. 

Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ) also made headlines this summer when its Mexican beer brand, Modelo Especial, became the Top-Selling Beer in America after dethroning Bud Light. The company will be looking to display strength as it nears its next earnings release. In the upcoming quarterly report, analysts expect Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ) to post earnings of $3.34 per share, marking a YoY growth of 5.36%. 

Sustainable Wine-Making: 

When we talk about sustainable wine-making, it is usually about the entire process and not just the additives at the end. There has been a concerted effort across the entire wine industry to transition towards biodiversity and organic farming. This means no pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers, and an all-around effort to promote a variety of plant life in the vineyard. In short – growing grapes in a way that is harmonious with nature. This is an approach that a massive amount of wine producers have embraced. 

Based in California, The Duckhorn Portfolio, Inc. (NYSE:NAPA) makes wines and calls itself a manufacturing company, agricultural company, and marketing company all rolled into one. As one of North America’s premier producers, The Duckhorn Portfolio, Inc. (NYSE:NAPA) is dedicated to implementing responsible, sustainable practice in its vineyards. The portfolio releases an annual report that summarizes its continued efforts to improve its environmentally focused practices at its vineyards and wineries.The Duckhorn Portfolio, Inc. (NYSE:NAPA) has earned several key certifications, including LEED Gold certification at Goldeneye Winery, California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) certification for the estate vineyards on Mt. Harlan, and Fish Friendly Farming (FFF) certification at all of its North Coast Estate vineyards.

With that said, here are the Countries with the Highest Wine Consumption per Person


To collect data for this article, we have referred to the Global Health Observatory of the World Health Organization, looking for Countries with the Highest Wine Consumption per Capita. The total wine consumption of each country has been measured in liters of pure alcohol per year. Wine typically contains around 12% of pure alcohol by volume, which means that 1 liter of wine contains around 0.12 liters of pure alcohol. When two countries had the same consumption of wine, we ranked them by their total alcohol consumption per capita.

If you wish to read about which countries are consuming the most beer, here are the 20 Countries that Drink the Most Beer per Capita.  

20. United Kingdom

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.3L 

Although beer may be the alcohol most associated with the United Kingdom and its pub culture, wine also has a strong following in the country. The U.K wine market is very mature and around 49% of the population are regular – at least monthly – wine drinkers. 

The U.K. ranks among the Countries with Highest Rates of Alcoholism.

19. Hungary

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.33L 

Unlike beer, wine has been an essential beverage all throughout the history of Hungary. Still today, the country is a major wine producer in the world, with a total of 22 wine regions and 63,000 hectares (156,000 acres) of planted vines. 

18. Romania

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.38L 

With just under 180,000 hectares of land planted to vines, Romania is the sixth-largest wine producing country in Europe. The southeastern European country produced 4.5 million hectoliters of vino in 2021. 

Romania is among the countries where people drink the most wine

17. Sweden

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.4L 

Sweden has a reasonably high wine engagement. Just under half the country’s population are classified as regular wine drinkers. Most wine imported into Sweden comes from France, while Italy comes in second. Sweden also ranks among the Top Vodka Drinking Countries in the World

16. Belgium

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.41L 

Belgium is famous for its great beers, but it also produces some fantastic, award-winning wines. The country is particularly famous for its white and sparkling varieties. The two main wine regions in Belgium are Flanders and Wallonia. Belgium ranks 16th in our list of Countries that Drink the Most Wine

15. Croatia

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.52L 

Croatia can consider itself a major force in the region as far as wine is concerned, although little is exported out of the country. The region of Istria remains the domestic leader in wine production. 

14. Spain

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.52L 

The wine sector plays a fundamental role in Spain, not only in economic terms but also because of how extensively vines are grown and its regional importance, making it a driving force for environmental conservation and rural development. Spain is the world’s second largest exporter of wine, with 21.2 million hectoliters of the beverage exported in 2022, bringing in total export revenue of $3.24 billion. 

Spain ranks among the Top 20 Alcohol Drinking Countries in the World

13. Moldova

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.57L 

It is fair to say that Moldovan wine is an ancient tradition. Moldova has over 100,000 hectares of vines, which actually means that it has a bigger proportion of its land covered in vineyards than any other country. 

12. São Tomé and Príncipe

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.58L 

São Tomé and Príncipe, an African island nation close to the equator, is part of a volcano chain featuring striking rock and coral formations, rainforests, and beaches. Palm wine is the national drink of the country while the Portuguese Vinho Verde is also a popular tipple. 

11. Australia

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.67L 

The total vineyard area in Australia in 2022 is estimated to be 146,244 hectares, of which, South Australia accounted for 52%. The land down under is the 5th largest exporter of wine in the world, with 6.4 million hectoliters of wine exported in 2022. 

10. Austria

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.7L 

Austria is responsible for 1% of the global wine production, 30% of which is exported. Austrian wine is some of the most quality focused in Europe. For wine lovers, this means you’ll find well-made artisan wines at prices representing brilliant value across the spectrum. 

Austria ranks among the top 10 wine consuming countries in the world

9. Antigua and Barbuda

Wine Consumption per Capita: 3.95L 

Due to its hot and tropical climate with year-round humidity, beer and rum production is favored over wine in Antigua and Barbuda. Rather than a local industry, wine is imported into the country, predominantly from France, the U.S., and Chile. The island country imported $3.83 million of wine in 2021. 

8. Denmark

Wine Consumption per Capita: 4.08L 

Denmark is a wineland and Danish wine has been gaining in popularity since it officially became a wine producing country in 2000. The two main wine producing regions are North Jutland and South Denmark, plus the islands of Zealand and Funen. Red wine dominates in the Nordic country, with Danes choosing rosso 66% of the time. 

7. Switzerland 

Wine Consumption per Capita: 4.35L 

Switzerland is known for producing excellent wines, particularly white wines from the Chasselas grape and red from Pinot Noir and Merlot. The majority of Swiss wines are consumed domestically and only a small percentage is exported. 

6. Luxembourg

Wine Consumption per Capita: 4.73L 

Luxembourg’s diversities are reflected in the many styles of wine produced across a mere 3,200 acres. Though the quality of wine produced throughout the country is deemed high, much of it isn’t widely exported, and about two-thirds of the wine is consumed in Luxembourg. 

Luxembourg ranks 6th among the top wine consuming countries in 2023

Click to continue reading and see the Top 5 Wine Drinking Countries in the World

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Disclosure: None. Top 20 Wine Drinking Countries in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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