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Top 20 Social Media Sites to Consider for Brand Advertising in 2023

In this article, we will take a look at the top 20 social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to Top 5 Social Media Sites to Consider for Brand Advertising in 2023.

The digital marketing industry is constantly evolving. According to a report by Harvard Business Review, generative artificial intelligence can help business owners go above and beyond with how they use social media. Social listening is a common practice to gauge how customers perceive brands. However, the report suggests that using GenAI, companies can reach more people, get consumer feedback, and penetrate untapped demographics. According to the report, GenAI owns advanced language processing capabilities, helping businesses converse with customers on a personalized level using slang and words they are more comfortable with. Moreover, GenAI can also scan through large pieces of text and extract important sentiments and emotions.

How are Gen AI Startups Taking Social Media to Another Level

Many startups are helping businesses develop content using artificial intelligence. One such startup is Jasper. Jasper is an artificial intelligence platform that helps businesses create content specific to their brand tone and voice. The company was founded in 2021 and is used by over 100,000 customers. You can also check out some of the most valuable social media companies.

On October 18, Jasper launched an addition to its vast artificial intelligence tools. The company launched a new marketing artificial intelligence co-pilot to develop more optimized content. The co-pilot will assist business owners by generating, scheduling, analyzing, and tracking content for each channel the company uses. The co-pilot also integrates performance analytics in its system to help businesses assess the impact of their campaigns.

Prominent Social Media Sites Used By Companies

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS), Facebook and Instagram by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), and YouTube by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) are some of the leading social media sites for brand advertising. You can also check out some of the leading social media platforms for e-commerce

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS) is a leading image-sharing and social media platform. The company allows people to discover a wealth of content. On September 18, Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS) announced new and updated product features for users and agencies. These new features focus on enhancing the customer journey. The new ad formats allow businesses to reach and engage with a large audience. Brands can now use Pinterest to acquire a premium spotlight on users’ search and home feeds. Such will enable maximum engagement from users when they open the app.

The company also launched showcase and quiz ads, enhancing the interaction between users and business owners. Additionally, the company also shared the first look for their creative Studio. Creative Studio will allow brands to acquire enhanced lifestyle imagery for their product pins simply by providing the tool with a Pin link and a prompt.

Instagram and Facebook are some of Meta Platforms, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:META) leading social media platforms. On November 2, Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) announced new and improved tools for creators. These tools allow creators to test their content and analyze their performance. The company has introduced A/B testing, enabling creators to gauge the type of reels that work best for their business. Additionally, the company rolled out an “Achievements” hub where creators can see all their rewards across education, stars, reels, and progression in a single place on the professional dashboard. Creators may also be rewarded with enhanced visibility after achieving a certain milestone on the “Achievements” tab.

YouTube by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) is one of the largest online video-sharing and social media platforms. On November 15, YouTube by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) announced the latest features available on YouTube Premium. YouTube is currently testing out two new artificial intelligence experiments. These include a new conversational AI tool and a comment section summary AI tool. The conversational AI will enhance the viewing experience for premium members. The tool will be able to answer questions and suggest relatable content. Currently, the tool is only available in English in a few states in the United States. The “Comment Topics Summarized” tool by AI, on the other hand, can organize large comment sections of long videos into categorized themes. This will enable premium users to identify the common perceptions and conversations in the comment section. This may help creators better understand the audience and create relevant and inspiring content.

Let’s now take a look at the top 20 social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023.

Top 20 Social Media Sites to Consider for Brand Advertising in 2023

Our Methodology

Our methodology for identifying the top 20 social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023 employed a consensus approach. We consulted 4 reports, including Target Media, Social Pilot, Buffer, and Mirasee. This thorough process was pivotal in curating our initial pool of 25 social media sites. We assessed the top 20 names based on the item count across 4 sources. We then acquired the global search volume as of November 16, 2023, for each social media site. The global search volume data was sourced from Semrush and is updated monthly. The list is in ascending order of the number of mentions, and the site’s monthly global search volumes, as of November 16, 2023, are used as a tiebreaker for two or more items with the same item count.

Top 20 Social Media Sites to Consider for Brand Advertising in 2023

20. Mastodon

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 343,000

Number of Mentions: 2

Mastodon is an open source software that runs self hosted social networking services. The platform can be used by businesses to engage with existing servers or create new ones for their brand. These servers facilitate a connection with the relevant target audience.

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS), Facebook and Instagram by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), and YouTube by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) are some of the most prominent social media sites used by business owners for brand advertising.

19. Bluesky

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 541,000 

Number of Mentions: 2

Bluesky is one of the best social media sites with a global search volume of 541,000 as of November 16, 2023. Bluesky is a microblogging site that can be used by businesses to develop branded content and establish direct engagement with customers.

18. Medium

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 861,700

Number of Mentions: 2

With a global search volume of 861,700 as of November 16, 2023, Medium ranks as one of the top social media sites for brand advertising in 2023. The online publishing platform can be used by businesses to create content specific to their brand.

17. Threads

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 2.2 Million

Number of Mentions: 2

According to our methodology, Threads by Instagram is one of the best social media sites for brand advertising in 2023, with a global search volume of 2.2 million as of November 16, 2023. The social networking platform allows business owners to directly engage with their target audience.

16. Telegram

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 20.9 Million 

Number of Mentions: 3

Telegram is a cross-platform instant messaging app. With a global search volume of 20.9 million as of November 16, 2023, Telegram is one of the best social media sites for brand advertising in 2023. Business owners can use telegram to join groups to reach a wider audience.

15. Discord

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 36.7 Million

Number of Mentions: 3

According to our methodology, Discord is one of the best social media sites for brand advertising in 2023. The Instant messaging and VoIP social platform allows users to communicate through voice calls, video calls, text messages, and media. Brands can create their discord servers to build a community and advertise their brand.

14. WeChat

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 695,300

Number of Mentions: 4

WeChat is a leading messaging and social media app. Using WeChat, business owners can reach out to a large customer base. Moreover, business owners can also use the platform to sell their products. The WeChat Mini Shop feature allows businesses to create an e-commerce store on the platform.

13. Quora

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 3.8 Million

Number of Mentions: 4

Quora is a popular website where people ask questions and connect with people who share important insights. Quora for Business provides business owners with the latest market trends, advertising tips, and best practices. Quora also helps businesses place ads to boost website traffic and enhance conversion rates. According to Quora, businesses using Quora ads experience 4X higher conversions. Quora has over 400 million monthly unique visitors.

12. Tumblr

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 5 Million 

Number of Mentions: 4

According to our methodology, Tumblr is one of the best social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023. Business owners can use the platform to create and publish blogs relevant to their business. Tumblr has a global search volume of 5 million as of November 16, 2023.

11. Snapchat

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 10 Million 

Number of Mentions: 4

Snapchat by Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP) is one of the leading social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023. The instant messaging and social media platform allows businesses to create and publish relevant targeted content for their business. The platform by Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP) is also a social commerce platform allowing business owners to create a store and connect it to a product catalog.

10. Reddit

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 25.7 Million

Number of Mentions: 4

According to our methodology, Reddit is one of the best social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023. Reddit is a leading social news aggregation, content rating, and discussion platform. Reddit allows companies to gain important insights into brand perception. Business owners can invite customers to engage in discussion about their brand on the platform.

9. Twitch

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 52.5 Million

Number of Mentions: 4

Twitch is a live streaming service with a global search volume of 52.5 million as of November 16, 2023. Twitch can be used by business owners to reach out to a young audience by partnering with popular streamers to promote their products and services. Creators can also run different types of ads on their content, which may be useful for business owners.

8. LinkedIn

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 58.6 Million

Number of Mentions: 4

LinkedIn is a leading business and employment focused social media platform. LinkedIn allows business owners to create a company page where they can post branded content and engage with professional audiences. With a global search volume of 58.6 million as of November 16, 2023, LinkedIn is one of the best social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023.

7. TikTok

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 70.2 Million

Number of Mentions: 4

According to our methodology, TikTok is one of the best social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023. Business owners can use the video sharing platform to reach their target audience with aesthetically pleasing and targeted TikToks. The platform offers various analytical tools to business owners along with the ability to sell through the social commerce platform.

6. Pinterest

Global Search Volume as of November 16, 2023: 76.2 Million

Number of Mentions: 4

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS) is one of the leading social media sites to consider for brand advertising in 2023. The image sharing platform allows business owners to create and publish relevant content targeted at the right audience. The platform is also one of the prominent social commerce platforms. Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS) has a global search volume of $76.2 million as of November 16, 2023.

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS), Facebook and Instagram by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), Snapchat by Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP), and YouTube by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) are leading social media sites used by people across the globe for recreation, shopping, and much more.

Click to continue reading and see the Top 5 Social Media Sites to Consider for Brand Advertising in 2023.

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Disclosure: none. Top 20 Social Media Sites to Consider for Brand Advertising in 2023 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

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