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Top 20 Most Fit Cities in the US

In this article, we will be covering the top 20 most fit cities in the US. If you want to skip our detailed analysis of the global health and fitness club market, you can go directly to Top 5 Most Fit Cities in the US.

In one of our previous articles, we saw that the United States ranks among the most physically active countries in the world. In this piece, we will be looking at America’s fittest cities in 2023.

The global health and fitness market is a booming industry, driven by a growing awareness of the importance of health and wellness. As consumers become more interested in staying healthy and fit, there has been a surge in demand for fitness related services and products.

Latest Trends in the Thriving Health and Fitness Club Market

According to a report by Mordor Intelligence, the global health and fitness club market is expected to be valued at $87.07 billion in 2023. Looking forward, the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.11% during 2023-2028, propelling the health and fitness club market to reach above $154.21 billion by the end of the forecast period.

Post-pandemic, the market has seen a boost in memberships around the world. Social media platforms, such as TikTok and Meta Platforms, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:FB) Instagram, are flooded with pictures and videos of fit and healthy people, which is creating a sense of aspiration among consumers. On account of the younger generation becoming more conscious of their physical, mental, and spiritual health, the market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Keeping in mind the benefits of staying healthy and fit, a growing number of consumers are ready to spend more on health and fitness products and services as well as club memberships.

The growing number of gyms and fitness clubs combined with personal training programs and state-of-the-art fitness equipment is attracting more consumers to join, thus fueling market growth. Moreover, the surge in popularity of fitness apps and online training programs is encouraging more people to join health and fitness clubs to get fit, which is further driving market growth.

Prominent Names in the Industry

The global health and fitness club market is fairly fragmented. Some of the biggest names in the health and fitness club market include Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT), Life Time Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LTH), and Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON).

Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) is a US-based exercise equipment and media company. The company’s product offerings include rowing machines, stationary bicycles, and treadmills equipped with internet-connected touch screens that stream live and on-demand fitness classes through a subscription service. On August 17, Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) announced the launch of Peloton for Business, a groundbreaking move within the B2B health and fitness world. The B2B wellbeing solutions by Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) will be offered to enterprise clients across seven key verticals: hospitality, corporate wellness, multi-family residential, education, healthcare, gyms, and community wellness. The solutions will be tailored to the specific needs of each business and will include a range of equipment as well as content-based options.

Health and fitness clubs also offer premium memberships, special offers and discounts to attract more customers and increase their profitability. The US-based Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) is one of the largest franchisors and operators of fitness centers in the world and one of the best fitness and gym stocks to buy. On October 2, Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) announced that it is inviting everyone this October to add workouts to their fitness routine with a special limited-time offer at their US locations. In an effort to motivate new members to stay active, Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) is offering monthly memberships at a special rate of just $10, after a one-time start-up fee of $1.

Fitness clubs are expanding into new markets, both domestically and internationally. This allows them to increase their overall revenue by reaching a wider customer base. Life Time Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LTH) owns a chain of health clubs and athletic country clubs across the US and Canada. On October 13, Life Time Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LTH) announced that it acquired Arden Hills Athletic & Social Club, located in Sacramento, California, and aims to reopen it in early 2024 as Life Time Arden. Life Time Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LTH) has devised a phased renovation plan with the aim of minimizing disruption to members. The plan entails revitalized spaces, top-of-the-line equipment throughout the property, luxurious workout areas, tennis courts, pools, and future renovations to the spa and dining areas.

Now that we have discussed what some of the biggest companies in the health and fitness clubs market are up to, let’s take a look at the top 20 most fit cities in the US.

Top 20 Most Fit Cities in the US


In this article, we have listed the top 20 most fit cities in the US. To collect data for our list of the most fit cities in the US, we consulted the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) American Fitness Index. We used data obtained for the latest year in their dataset, which is for the year 2023. This database provided us with rankings of fittest US cities and their overall score, which is calculated using both the personal health sub-score as well as community/environment sub-score.

The community/environment sub-score ranks the cities based on factors that include built environment, recreational facilities, and policy and funding. The personal health sub-score for the cities is based on factors that include health behaviors and health outcomes. To rank the top most fit cities in the US, we used the aggregate rankings and overall scores of the cities based on both the personal health sub-score as well as community/environment sub-score. The top 20 most fit cities in the US, based on their respective overall scores out of 100 according to ACSM American Fitness Index, are listed below in ascending order.

Top 20 Most Fit Cities in the US

20. Santa Ana, CA

Overall Score: 62.9

First up on our list of top 20 most fit cities in the US is Santa Ana, a city in the state of California. The city of Santa Ana is home to more than 50 parks as well as dozens of athletic fields, recreation centers, and health and wellness clubs.

Some of the top health and fitness club stocks to consider researching include Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT), Life Time Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LTH), and Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON).

19. Spokane, WA

Overall Score: 63

Spokane is a city in the US state of Washington. The city has more than 80 city parks and dozens of athletic fields and recreation facilities. The city of Spokane is also nicknamed Hooptown, because of the Spokane Hoopfest, which is the world’s largest 3-on-3 outdoor basketball tournament.

18. New York, NY

Overall Score: 63.1

New York, or New York City, is the most populated city in the US. The city has more than a thousand parks, playgrounds, and recreation facilities. With a great number of athletic fields and courts, the city of New York is home to some of the greatest professional athletes and it ranks among the fittest cities in the US and the world.

17. Honolulu, HI

Overall Score: 64.2

Located on the island of Oahu’s south shore, Honolulu is the capital and most populated city of Hawaii. The city is home to a number of community parks, playgrounds, campgrounds, and beach parks. The city of Honolulu ranks among the fittest cities in America.

16. San Jose, CA

Overall Score: 64.5

San Jose is a large city in the US state of California. The city of San Jose boasts more than 200 parks as well as around 60 miles of scenic trails for hiking. San Jose has a good number of sports fields, ball courts, swimming pools, and fitness centers located at different areas in the city.

15. Boston, MA

Overall Score: 65.3

Boston, the capital and most populated city of Massachusetts, ranks among the top 15 most fit cities in the US. The city of Boston is home to over 200 parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields. Around 18% of the land in the city of Boston is used for parks and recreation.

14. San Diego, CA

Overall Score: 65.5

San Diego is a city in the US state of California. Located on the Pacific coast, the city is known for its beaches, parks and warm climate. San Diego is home to over 50 recreation centers, more than 250 playgrounds, and around 350 athletic fields. The hundreds of sports and recreation facilities promote community wellness, and so the city of San Diego ranks high among the fittest cities in America.

13. Chicago, IL

Overall Score: 66.5

Chicago, the most populated city in Illinois, has more than 600 parks. The Chicago Park District is one of the largest and oldest park districts in the US, and it boasts more than 200 field houses, over 70 public pools, and dozens of sports and recreational facilities.

12. Atlanta, GA

Overall Score: 67.0

Atlanta is the capital city of the US state of Georgia that ranks at the number 12 spot on our list of top 20 most fit cities in the US. The Centennial Olympic Park, which was built for the Olympic Games in the 1996 Summer Olympics, is also located in Atlanta. The city of Atlanta boasts thousands of acres of parkland, over 30 recreational centers, and dozens of sports fields that are spread across the city.

11. Portland, OR

Overall Score: 68.9

Portland is the most populated city in the US state of Oregon. As a port city, Portland is known for its eco-friendliness as well as its bridges and bicycle paths. The city of Portland is home to hundreds of parks, athletic fields and courts.

10. Oakland, CA

Overall Score: 69.1

Oakland is a city in the US state of California. The city boasts more than 150 parks and over 60 athletic fields, including football and soccer fields with turf or real grass. The city of Oakland ranks among the top 10 most fit cities in the US.

9. Denver, CO

Overall Score: 70.0

Denver is Colorado’s capital and most populated city. Located on top of a mountain range, the city of Denver is known as the ‘Mile High City’. The city is home to thousands of acres of spectacular mountain parks and it ranks high among the fittest cities in America.

8. St. Paul, MN

Overall Score: 71.9

St. Paul is the state capital of Minnesota. The city is home to around two hundred parks. With many fields and athletic facilities spread out in different areas of the city for the community to enjoy, the city of St. Paul has all the resources and strengths that fitness enthusiasts may be looking for.

7. San Francisco, CA

Overall Score: 73.0

San Francisco is a cultural, commercial, and financial hub in the US state of California. The city of San Francisco is home to hundreds of parks, playgrounds and open spaces as well as a good number of athletic fields, basketball courts, and golf courses.

6. Madison, WI

Overall Score: 73.1

Madison, the capital city of Wisconsin, ranks high among the top most fit cities in the US. The city is home to 6,000 acres of parkland and boasts an extensive list of parks and athletic facilities.

Some of the top health and fitness club stocks to invest in include Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT), Life Time Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LTH), and Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON).

Click to continue reading and see Top 5 Most Fit Cities in the US.

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Disclosure: None. Top 20 Most Fit Cities in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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