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Hedge Funds



Top 15 Edge Computing Companies in the World

In this piece, we will take a look at the top 15 edge computing companies in the world. For more companies, head on over to Top 5 Edge Computing Companies in the World.

The boom in big data has enabled companies and governments to have massive amounts of data at their disposal. This has opened up new technological avenues for data analysis, mainly cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. A relatively newer form of big data analysis and computing is edge computing. This seeks to bypass the hassles of transferring data all the way from the consumer (or source) to the cloud, and instead, it looks to bring computing closer to the consumer instead.

Due to this, the edge computing industry is one of the largest emerging sectors in technology. A research report from Research and Markets estimates that the industry will be worth $155 billion by 2030, after it grows at a remarkable compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.9%. The research firm believes that the integration of artificial intelligence into cloud computing will help drive this growth, with industries such as machine control and telecommunications taking charge. For the latter, telecommunication firms will seek to place their computing centers close to their data centers, a development that will further be aided by the growth in fifth generation (5G) communications technology.

Another report, this time from Transparency Market Research, estimates that the global edge computing market was worth $6.95 billion in 2021. From then until 2031, it will grow at a 37.3% CAGR and sit at $161 billion by the end of the forecast period, mirroring the conclusions reached by Research and Markets. Transparency Market Research believes that the internet of things (IoT) industry will aid this growth, with connected devices providing more data and requiring the need to place the computing centers closer to the end user.

Today’s list will focus on some of the top edge computing companies in the world, and it covers hardware, software, and infrastructure providers. Some well known names in the list are Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), and, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN).

Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

Our Methodology

We studied the edge computing industry in detail to sift out the different segments and the firms operating in them. These are briefly analyzed through their product portfolio, and following this, they are ranked through Insider Monkey’s Q3 2022 survey of 920 hedge funds.

Top 15 Edge Computing Companies in the World

15. Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 21

Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY) is a pure play edge computing platform provider. The firm offers a development platform that allows users to use libraries to develop their products. It is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY) markets its edge computing platform under the ComputeEdge brand for building and scaling up distributed infrastructure and applications without relying on infrastructure. ComputeEdge has a variety of use cases such as video content prefetching, advertisement targeting, application processing interface (API) queries and content stitching.

Insider Monkey’s Q3 2022 survey of 920 hedge funds revealed that 21 had invested in Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY).

Out of these, D.E. Shaw’s D E Shaw is Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY)’s largest investor through a $24 million stake that comes via 2.7 million shares.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), and, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) are met by Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY) in our list of top edge computing stocks.

14. Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ:QLYS)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 25

Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ:QLYS) is an American company headquartered in Foster City, California. The firm provides cloud based applications and a cloud computing platform.

Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ:QLYS)’s Qualys Cloud Platform lets users run continuous assessments of their global cloud communications and connectivity infrastructure security. This enables higher visibility and rapid responses to disruptions. Through this, its systems handle a whopping 2 trillion security events each year through indexing more than eight trillion data point clusters.

25 out of the 920 hedge funds polled by Insider Monkey during this year’s third quarter had bought Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ:QLYS)’s shares.

Qualys, Inc. (NASDAQ:QLYS)’s largest shareholder is Terry Smith’s Fundsmith LLP which owns 661,420 shares that are worth $92 million.

13. Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 32

Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM) is a business application cloud computing services provider that allows its customers to secure, deliver, and optimize their content. The firm is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM) has one of the largest edge computing platforms in the world. This network is spread over 135 countries and covers more than 1,400 networks. Some of the use cases for this network include optimizing visual media and delivering better web based experiences.

As part of their September quarter of 2022 investments, 32 out of the 920 hedge funds surveyed by Insider Monkey had held a stake in Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM).

Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM)’s largest investor is Peter Rathjens, Bruce Clarke, and John Campbell’s Arrowstreet Capital which owns 711,024 shares that are worth $57 million.

12. Lumen Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LUMN)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 34

Lumen Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LUMN) offers a wide variety of technology services such as content delivery, managed security, data center management, voice over internet protocol (VoIP), and Ethernet. The firm is based in Monroe, Louisiana.

Lumen Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LUMN)’s edge computing platform provides a platform as a service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), security, networking, and other services. These cover a host of different industries such as manufacturing and retail – letting users manage their downtimes and sales conversion.

Insider Monkey’s Q3 2022 survey of 920 hedge funds revealed that 34 had invested in Lumen Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LUMN).

11. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 36

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE) is one of the oldest technology companies in the world as it was set up in 1939 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas. The firm provides server solutions for different workloads alongside an intelligent edge product portfolio.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE)’s Intelligent Edge platform lets users manage smart digital workplaces, conduct data analysis, use edge services, and secure their operations. It has served several different industries such as hospitals, airports, and manufacturing. It has even helped build a soccer stadium.

36 out of the 920 hedge funds part of Insider Monkey’s Q3 2022 hedge fund study had bought Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE)’s shares.

Out of these, Richard S. Pzena’s Pzena Investment Management is Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE)’s largest investor through a $362 million stake that comes courtesy of 30 million shares.

10. International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 40

International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) is another American technology firm that has stood the test of time since being set up in 1911. The firm now focuses primarily on serving the needs of the enterprise computing industry.

International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM)’s edge computing products include improving supply chain and asset management, analyzing data from distributed devices, using distributed machinery and manufacturing processes to optimize production, and controlling remote information technology infrastructure.

By the end of this year’s third quarter, 40 out of the 920 hedge funds polled by Insider Monkey had invested in International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM).

International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM)’s largest shareholder is Peter Rathjens, Bruce Clarke, and John Campbell’s Arrowstreet Capital which owns 4.3 million shares that are worth $515 million.

9. Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 42

Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET) is a cloud networking solutions provider. The firm is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, the United States.

Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET)’s cloud networking system lets users manage thousands of compute and storage nodes. It supports several open source design standards and allows for automated responses to network events. Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET) has extended this system to the network edge as well, covering areas such as 5G random access network (RAN) and multi cloud edge.

42 of the 920 hedge funds part of Insider Monkey’s Q3 2022 survey had bought Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET)’s shares.

Out of these, Steven Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management is Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET)’s largest investor through a $223 million stake that comes courtesy of 1.9 million shares.

8. Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DELL)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 49

Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DELL) is a technology company that provides infrastructure and hardware products and solutions. These include workstations, laptops, servers, and networking products. The firm is based in Round Rock, Texas.

Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DELL)’s edge software platform delivers operational simplification, security, and optimization. It is used in several different industries such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, transportation, telecommunications, and utilities.

By the end of this year’s third quarter, 49 out of the 920 hedge funds profiled by Insider Monkey had invested in Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DELL).

Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DELL)’s largest investor is Steven Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management which owns 4 million shares that are worth $139 million.

7. Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE:NET)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 53

Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE:NET) is a cloud services provider with a diverse set of platforms and solutions such as internet of things (IoT), on premise, and software as a service (SaaS).

Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE:NET) is very popular among Fortune 1000 firms for its edge computing products, with 15% of these companies using the company’s products. Some of its services include browser isolation, platform optimization, web analytics, and real time security.

53 out of the 920 hedge funds part of Insider Monkey’s September quarter of 2022 study had bought Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE:NET)’s shares.

Out of these, John Overdeck and David Siegel’s Two Sigma Advisors is Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE:NET)’s largest shareholder. It owns 1.5 million shares that are worth $85 million.

6. Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 67

Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) is an American technology firm that provides cloud software and cloud enterprise resource planning software solutions. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas.

Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL)’s venture into the edge computing industry comes through its Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure platform. This enables users to store data such as images, audio, video, and sensor inputs in locations with weak Internet connectivity.

Insider Monkey took a look at 920 hedge funds portfolios for their Q3 2022 investments to discover that 67 had held a stake in Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL).

Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL)’s largest investor is Jean-Marie Eveillard’s First Eagle Investment Management which owns 25 million shares that are worth $1.5 billion.

Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) joins Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), and, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) in our list of the top edge computing companies in the world.

Click to continue reading and see Top 5 Edge Computing Companies in the World.

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Disclosure: None. Top 15 Edge Computing Companies in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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