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Top 15 Democratic Socialist Countries In Europe

In this article, we will look at the top 15 democratic socialist countries in Europe. We have also discussed the meaning and characteristics of a social democratic country. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the Top 5 Democratic Socialist Countries In Europe

What is Social Democracy?

Social democracy is a political ideology that advocates for a balance between a market economy and social welfare programs. Several countries in Europe have adopted social democratic principles to varying degrees, including Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Germany. These countries prioritize social welfare, healthcare, education, and workers’ rights while maintaining market economies. Social democratic parties in these countries often promote policies aimed at reducing income inequality and ensuring a strong social safety net.

Some of the top Democratic Socialist parties in Europe are the Labour Party in the United Kingdom, the Socialist Party in France, and Die Linke in Germany. These parties advocate for the redistribution of wealth, public ownership of key industries, and greater government intervention in the economy to address social injustices and economic inequality. While they share similar goals with social democratic parties, Democratic Socialist parties typically espouse more radical policies aimed at fundamentally restructuring capitalist systems.

Socialist countries, such as those in Scandinavia, prioritize social welfare programs, universal healthcare, and education while maintaining capitalist market economies. In contrast, capitalist countries like the United States prioritize individual freedom, private ownership of property, and free-market competition. However, many capitalist countries also have social welfare programs and regulations to mitigate inequalities and provide a safety net for citizens.

Who Are the Famous Democratic Socialists?

Some of the most famous democratic socialists are figures like Bernie Sanders in the United States, Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the United States. These individuals have championed progressive policies such as Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, and a Green New Deal, which seek to address systemic inequalities and promote social justice through democratic means. 

It is worth mentioning that Russia and Venezuela are examples of failed socialist countries. In both cases, socialist policies were implemented with authoritarian governance, corruption, and mismanagement, leading to economic instability, social unrest, and human rights abuses. For example, Venezuela’s socialist government under Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro has been marred by economic collapse, hyperinflation, and political repression.

How Successful Are Democratic Socialist Countries?

The Nordic countries, the most important democratic socialist countries, consistently rank highly across various indicators of national performance, such as education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development. While each country has its distinct economic and social model, they often share elements of the Nordic economic and social framework to varying extents. This framework typically involves a blend of a mixed market economy, stable labor unions, and a comprehensive welfare sector funded by elevated taxes.

Speaking of the development in Nordic countries, it is worth highlighting that Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has recently invested in Norway’s data infrastructure. With the groundbreaking of its first Norwegian data center in Skien, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is not only injecting €600 million ($646.57 million) into the economy but also projecting the creation of over 100 jobs. Deloitte’s study suggests the facility could generate €0.59 billion (0.64 billion) in value between 2024 and 2025, showcasing its potential economic impact. Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its aim for the data center to be 99% carbon-free, aligning with its broader goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2030. 

Nevertheless, Norway’s data center industry is indicative of its growing significance in the global digital economy. With investments projected to range between €1.8 billion ($1.94 billion) and €2.7 billion ($2.91 billion) annually, Norway is set to become a key player in data infrastructure. The industry’s growth, supported by major players like Green Mountain and Bulk Data Centers, not only bolsters the economy but also reinforces Norway’s role in advancing digital infrastructure. 

Moreover, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has also recently pledged €25 million ($26.9 million) to support AI training in Europe, with €10 million ($10.8 million) earmarked for vulnerable communities while expanding free online courses to 18 languages. In addition, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s $1 billion investment in a data center near London also confirms its commitment to meeting regional internet demands. 

In the broader context, tech giants like Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) are investing heavily in AI infrastructure and training programs globally. 

For example, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) has recently acquired a sizable plot of land in Espoo, Finland, demonstrating its willingness to expanding its data center infrastructure. With a purchase price of approximately €30.9 million ($33.3 million), this decision confirms Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s strategic focus on cloud services, which aligns with its earlier announcement of plans for a Finnish cloud region. The location in Hepokorvenkallio, Högnäs, will serve as the site for a new data center project, facilitating connectivity to Fortum’s district heating network. 

The company’s expansion in Europe does not stop there as Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) plans to double Azure cloud capacity in Germany by early 2024 to meet growing demand, particularly from German companies. The expansion targets Germany’s largest data center hub, Germany Westen-Mitte, in Frankfurt.

Chris Dudek/

Our Methodology

To list the top 15 democratic socialist countries in Europe, we have utilized the rankings of the 2024 Social Progress Index along with country rankings for Government expenditure, (percent of GDP) by the IMF for 2022. We have averaged the rankings of each country to obtain our final rankings. The list is presented in descending order.

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The list is now presented in ascending order:

15. Greece

Government Expenditure: 10

Social Progress Index: 34

Average Ranking: 22

Despite a slight increase in household disposable income, the labor underutilization rate increased, indicating challenges in employment. Excess mortality during the pandemic was lower than the OECD average, but the risk of depression and loneliness was notable. Trust in the government remained stable, but feelings of social exclusion rose. 

14. Portugal 

Government Expenditure: 21

Social Progress Index: 23

Average Ranking: 22

Portugal boasts a population of 10.4 million and a GDP per capita of $44,963. Despite facing challenges, the country is committed to education and health spending and continues to invest in its human capital and well-being. With efforts towards innovation and technology development, Portugal is poised for further growth and prosperity. Portugal is also one of the successful socialist countries.

13. Spain

Government Expenditure: 16

Social Progress Index: 25

Average Ranking: 20.5

Spain performs slightly above the OECD average in terms of satisfaction with public services, with approximately two-thirds of the population satisfied with education and healthcare systems. Notably, Spain shows progress in gender equality with 43.1% of women in senior management positions, surpassing the OECD-EU average, and has a high representation of women in ministerial positions at 64%. 

12. Czech Republic

Government Expenditure: 22

Social Progress Index: 19

Average Ranking: 20.5

In 2020, the Czech Republic exhibited resilience in its public finances amidst the COVID-19 crisis, maintaining a structural primary surplus, a feat shared by only three OECD countries. However, it lags in stakeholder engagement practices, lacking mechanisms to involve external parties in policy design. Remarkably, it boasts the second-lowest income inequality within the OECD, ranking fourth before taxes and transfers, and second after. Government expenditure stood at 48% of GDP in 2019, with a 1.3% investment rate. 

11. Norway

Government Expenditure: 38

Social Progress Index: 2

Average Ranking: 20

Norway, with a population of 5.5 million, demonstrates a steady GDP growth rate, projected at 1.5% in 2025, with a current GDP per capita of $121,263. The country maintains a relatively low income inequality score and a moderate household debt level of 246.7% of disposable income. In education, Norwegian students perform well in PISA tests, with mean scores of 497 in Mathematics, 476 in Reading, and 485 in Science. It is one of the top 10 socialist countries. The country also serves as one of the best examples of democratic socialism.

10. Slovenia

Government Expenditure: 17

Social Progress Index: 20

Average Ranking: 18.5

Slovenia has a highly stable government revenue collection, surpassing the average by 6 percentage points at 43.7% of GDP, largely sourced from non-tax revenues. Remarkably, it ranks third highest in social contributions, comprising 36.5% of government revenue. However, Slovenia lacks in conducting public spending reviews, unlike most OECD countries, potentially hindering efficient resource allocation.

9. Italy

Government Expenditure: 5

Social Progress Index: 26

Average Ranking: 15.5

Italy’s public procurement spending constituted 11.8% of its GDP in 2021, slightly below the OECD average of 12.9%. Similarly, its public investment of 3.0% of GDP in 2021 and 2022 mirrored the OECD average of 3.4%. 

8. France

Government Expenditure: 3

Social Progress Index: 24

Average Ranking: 13.5

In 2019, France boasted the highest government expenditures among OECD countries, accounting for 55.6% of its GDP. Social protection expenditures were the primary driver, comprising 23.9% of GDP, nearly double the OECD average. Moreover, access to public services is excellent in France, notably in healthcare and education, yet responsiveness and quality remain closer to the OECD average. It is one of the top socialist-democracy countries.

7. Germany

Government Expenditure: 11

Social Progress Index: 10

Average Ranking: 10.5

Germany is a federal country with a three-tier system of subnational governments: municipalities, rural districts, and district-free cities. Subnational governments, primarily the Länder, hold wide-ranging responsibilities including education, regional development, healthcare, and environmental protection. The Basic Law assigns legislative and administrative functions to the Länder, while local government functions vary by Land. 

6. Denmark

Government Expenditure: 20

Social Progress Index: 1

Average Ranking: 10.5

The Danish welfare state is renowned for its universal access to education, healthcare, and social security, underpinned by high social trust. Unlike other models, Denmark’s system provides equal access to all citizens regardless of socioeconomic status, funded through progressive taxation. Historical reforms, like replacing corrupt nobility with skilled civil servants, laid the groundwork. Cooperative movements, inspired by Grundtvig, fostered social cohesion. Despite challenges from globalization and immigration, public support remains strong.

Click here to see the Top 5 Democratic Socialist Countries In Europe.

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Disclosure: None. Top 15 Democratic Socialist Countries In Europe is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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