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Top 15 Countries With Best Dental Health

In this article, we will look at the top 15 countries with best dental health. We will also discuss the state of dental care around the world. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the Top 5 Countries With Best Dental Health

Oral diseases represent a major global health challenge and one that impacts nearly 3.5 billion people worldwide, with three-quarters of those affected residing in middle-income countries. According to the WHO Global Oral Health Status Report of 2022, an alarming 2 billion individuals struggle with caries in permanent teeth, and 514 million children suffer from caries in primary teeth. Moreover, the availability and affordability of high-sugar content foods, coupled with poor access to oral health care services, add to this concerning trend. 

Treatment for oral health conditions is often costly and, unfortunately, not covered by universal health coverage (UHC), especially in low-and-middle-income countries where services to prevent and address oral diseases are insufficient. For example, in 2019, the state of dental health access was reported to be critically alarming. In highly urban Pakistani cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, one dentist was available for every 5,000 people, as reported by Dawn News. However, the situation was drastically worse in rural areas, such as Tharparkar, where not a single dentist was available for a population as large as 200,000 people. 

Meanwhile, Denmark is known as the country with the world’s best teeth. However, Denmark still maintains a comparatively lower dentist-to-population ratio of 7.22 per 100,000 people, whereas Ethiopia is the country with the worst ratio for dentistry personnel per 10,000 of 0.02. Moreover, the Philippines is often identified as one of the countries with the worst teeth in the world, as it has a high DMFT. In 2006, dental decay was highly prevalent among Filipino children, reaching alarming levels with an 82% prevalence and a DMFT index of 2.9 among 12-year-olds in 2006. 

While the United States is often recognized as the best country for dentistry practice, given its well-established healthcare system and advanced dental facilities, the shortage of dental practitioners in the country has been a pressing concern. Data from the Health Resources and Services Administration revealed a need for 11,909 dentists to address the shortage areas. The state of California had the greatest shortage, followed by Missouri. 

In order to address the concerns of access to dental care, Dentsply Sirona Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) has formed a new partnership with the National Dental Association (NDA) to fund NDA programs and provide dental education for minority communities. The initiative capitalizes on Dentsply Sirona Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY)’s dental technology to educate dentists and student dentists of color, supporting the NDA’s mission to promote diversity within the dental industry as currently, black dentists constitute only 3% of the US dental workforce. This partnership is spearheaded by Dentsply Sirona Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY)’s BOLD (Black Organization for Leadership & Development) employee resource group. 

Moreover, Dentsply Sirona Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) also contributes to the dentistry industry by offering a range of products and digital solutions. The company specializes in clear aligner systems like SureSmile, which offers services that promise reasonably shorter treatment times. DS Core, their digital workflow solution, works on efficiency and collaboration across dental procedures. Renowned for extensive clinical education programs through DS Academy, Dentsply Sirona Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) empowers dental professionals with knowledge and hands-on training. 

Dentsply Sirona Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) is also one of the Biggest Dental Companies in the World

On the other hand, Envista Holdings Corporation (NYSE:NVST), a global dental products company, has made major contributions to dentistry through its philanthropic initiative, the Envista Smile Project. In 2022 alone, the Smile Project donated over $650,000, providing free dental care to more than 600 patients in the Dominican Republic and supporting initiatives like Heartland Dental’s “Free Dentistry Day.” The project also partnered with the Special Olympics, New Jersey, and offered access to a Nomad portable x-ray.

Since its inception in June 2021, the Envista Smile Project has donated more than $1,125,000 in goods and services globally, benefiting around 10,000 individuals in need. The Smile Project collaborates with dental professionals and Envista Holdings Corporation (NYSE:NVST) employees volunteer to deliver products, treatment, and oral health education to disadvantaged communities worldwide. In 2023, the Smile Project plans to continue its impactful work with a partnership with the Illumination Foundation and a $50,000 donation in dental college scholarships to the United Negro College Fund.

Envista Holdings Corporation (NYSE:NVST) also conducted a summit in Dubai in May 2023 to provide comprehensive information on the latest dental innovations, covering orthodontics, implantology, and general dentistry. Over 80 sessions and demonstrations were conducted by around 100 speakers.

George Rudy/


Our article is not about the most advanced countries in dentistry, but rather countries where dental services like teeth alignment are highly accessible. To quantify this metric, we used Dentistry Personnel Per 10,000 Individuals as our proxy metric. The source of our data is the United Nations’ Statistics Division. The list is presented in ascending order.

Here are the countries with the best dental health.

15. Spain

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 8.40

As of December 2021, 37,787 dedicated and skilled dentists were actively contributing to oral healthcare in Spain. Among these professionals, 1,400 have chosen to serve the Spanish National Health System (SNS). Moreover, 44% of the Spanish population visited dentists in 2020. Spain is one of the countries with the best dental health

14. Germany

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 8.53

Germany has a highly stable dental healthcare system. However, it’s worth mentioning that the public health insurance system does not entirely provide comprehensive coverage for dental care. Nevertheless, routine procedures like fillings, cleanings, and extractions are frequently covered by insurance. Germany is one of the highest paying countries for dentists

13. Italy

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 8.69

Italy is often recognized as a country with the best oral health in Europe, according to a survey by Qunomedical. The assessment considered the decay-missing-filled teeth index, dentists per 100,000 people, dental schools, alcohol and sugar consumption, smoking prevalence, and fluoridation measures. Italy has a high number of dental facilities and low rates of alcohol, sugar, and cigarette consumption. 

12. Norway

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 9.11

In Norway, basic dental examinations and treatments are not universally free. While children and some adults receive certain coverage, most individuals bear the cost of dental care. The health exemption card offers financial support for adults, capping annual healthcare costs. Despite higher treatment costs than other countries, Norway maintains a high standard of oral health. English-speaking dentists are also readily available. Norway is also one of the highest-paying countries for dentists.

11. Israel

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 9.14

Israel is an excellent destination for dental care owing to its competitive prices, access to advanced technologies comparable to the US and Europe as well as as the availability of personalized services, especially in the private sector. Despite some challenges in customer service, the country offers quality dental treatments, attracting dental tourists looking for top-quality care. Israel is one of the countries with the best dental care in the world

10. Finland

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 9.75

In Finland, dental care is accessible and affordable for both adults and children through public health services. Residents with a municipality of residence are entitled to public dental health services, which ensures comprehensive coverage. Urgent care services are also available to address any severe dental pain, swelling, or injuries. Children, including those under school age, benefit from free dental examinations. Finland is one of the countries whose citizens have healthy teeth.

9. Poland

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 10.12

With dental procedures done in Poland, one can achieve potential savings of up to 65-90% compared to the US and UK. Patients generally appreciate the country for having dentists with exceptional professionalism. One of the most popular dental clinics in Poland is Jesionowa Dental Clinic. 

8. Estonia

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 10.15

In 2022, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) allocated €26.8 ($29.07) million in dental care benefits, which exceeded the planned amount by €152,000 ($​​164868). There was a growing use of dental benefits across all age groups, with the population increasingly availing of the services. While the Estonian Dental Association suggests changes to the current benefit system, EHIF data reflects positive trends in the accessibility and utilization of dental care services in Estonia. It is one of the countries with the best oral care

7. Colombia

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 10.52

Besides having high-quality dental care, the cost in Colombia for dental procedures is also quite affordable, approximately 50% lower than in the United States or Canada. The country boasts experienced dentists, top-notch facilities, and a range of dental clinics, making it an attractive option for those seeking cost-effective and reliable dental treatments. Colombia is also one of the cheapest and best countries for plastic surgery

6. Lithuania

Dentistry personnel per 10,000: 10.99

Lithuania has been recognized as a top country for quality dental care, as evidenced by its recent dental equipment development for virus protection. Lithuanian researchers from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and a local dental clinic have designed air purifiers, protective shields, and dental water disinfection modules using high-intensity narrow-spectrum ultraviolet rays. Lithuania is one of the top countries with the best dental health

Click here to see the Top 5 Countries With Best Dental Health.

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Disclosure: None. Top 15 Countries With Best Dental Health is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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