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Top 15 Countries to Migrate from India

In this article, we will take a look at Top 15 Countries to Migrate from India. You can skip our detailed analysis and go directly to the Top 5 Countries to Migrate from India.

India, recognized as the largest origin of international immigration, grapples with various challenges, including economic disparity among its 1.4 billion population as of 2021. Many Indians migrate away from their homeland primarily seeking better economic opportunities. According to World Bank data from 2022, India leads in remittances, receiving approximately $100 billion, highlighting the significant impact of migration on its economy.

Indian Diaspora

The Indian diaspora spans globally, with a notable concentration in Western and Middle Eastern regions. In 2020, over half of the 17.9 million Indian emigrants resided in Persian Gulf countries, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) hosting approximately 3.5 million Indians by 2021. Latest data indicates that around 10 million Indians reside across six Gulf Cooperation Council countries, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. The primary motivation behind these migrations is employment opportunities, with approximately 70% of Indians working in the construction sector, holding positions such as cleaners, domestic servants, and drivers.

The Indian workforce comprises a diverse range of individuals, encompassing low and semi-skilled workers to professionals in fields such as technology, healthcare, and engineering. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala are recognized as key areas for Indian emigration. Immigrants from northern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar predominantly fall into the category of semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, whereas those from southern Kerala and Tamil Nadu tend to possess higher levels of education. Additionally, Indians are increasingly migrating to the Western side. According to Forbes, the number of Indians immigrating to Canada has more than tripled from 2013 to 2022, with the Indian population gaining permanent residency in Canada rising from 32,828 in 2013 to 118,095 in 2022, marking a 260% increase.

Indian Immigration to the United States

The United States has emerged as the second most favored destination for Indian immigrants. As of 2021, there are 2.7 million Indian immigrants residing in the US, constituting 6% of the total foreign-born population. According to data from the US Census Bureau for 2015-2019, California is the most populated state by Indians (20%), followed by Texas (10%) and New Jersey (10%). Additionally, data from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services revealed that in 2023, 59,100 Indians were naturalized, constituting the second largest group. Indians also dominated the issuance of H-1B visas in 2021 for highly skilled workers, accounting for 74% of all approved visas. Furthermore, Indians represented the second largest group of international students, with approximately 199,200 enrolled in US higher education institutions, constituting 21% of all international students.

With the extensive involvement of Indians in the United States, it is unsurprising to witness their prosperity and attainment of prestigious positions, as well as success in entrepreneurship. Companies such as Nutanix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTNX) serve as a testament to this phenomenon. Nutanix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTNX) is an American cloud computing company founded in 2009 by Dheeraj Pandey, Mohit Aron, and Ajeet Singh, all of whom hail from India. Since its inception, the company has experienced consistent growth. Recently, Nutanix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTNX) and Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT) expanded their partnership, aiming to assist customers in their digital and hybrid multi-cloud endeavors.

Other Indians have also achieved remarkable success in the land of opportunity. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), stands as a notable example. After a six-month search to replace their retiring CEO, the software giant Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) appointed the 22-year Indian veteran to lead the company. Sabeer Bhatia is another Indian entrepreneur who made a significant impact in the US. His “Hotmail” email service, later acquired by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), revolutionized the way people communicated globally.


To compile our list of the Top 15 Countries to Migrate from India, we utilize data from India’s Ministry of External Affairs website, focusing on the total Overseas Indian population, which is comprised of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs). We identify the top 15 countries by ranking them in an ascending order for total Indian Overseas Population.

Let us now have a look at our list for Top 15 Countries to Migrate from India.

15. Nepal

Total Indian Overseas Population: 600,000

Nepal is one of the countries where Indians have chosen to migrate in large numbers. Following the Treaty of Peace and Friendship, skilled, unskilled, and entrepreneurial Indians moved to the country to take advantage of the economic development. The Indian population in Nepal amounts to 600,000, which is solely comprised of non-resident Indians.

14. Singapore

Total Indian Overseas Population: 650,000

Singapore, a well-developed nation, ranks among the top countries that fulfill most human development indicators, offering a comfortable and convenient life for its residents. As a result, many people, including a significant number of Indians, have chosen to relocate to this country. Currently, 650,000 Indians have established themselves here, contributing to a sizable Indian expat community that can assist newcomers in integrating into the society. Hence, Singapore holds great potential as one of the top countries for Indian immigration.

13. Qatar

Total Indian Overseas Population: 746,550

With a thriving economy, this Gulf country has become highly appealing to individuals worldwide seeking a better life. The Indian community within the country comprises a significant number of Indian expatriates, with a substantial presence of non-resident Indians (745,775). The employment opportunities and high standards of living, attributed to robust human development indicators, make Qatar an attractive destination for Indians considering migration from India.

12. Oman

Total Indian Overseas Population: 781,141

As part of the surge of Indian migration to Gulf countries, Oman has emerged as a viable option for Indians seeking employment opportunities. Despite a reduction in the Indian influx due to the government’s policy prioritizing local employment, Oman still boasts a significant population, primarily comprised of non-resident Indians (779,351). For Indian laborers seeking gainful employment and a high quality of life, Oman remains an attractive destination.

11. Mauritius

Total Indian Overseas Population: 894,500

As one of the largest human migration witnessed in history from 1834 and 1923– when the Indians were brought in as indentured labor to work in the sugarcane estates of Mauritius– the country has been hosting Indians for a long time. Now persons of Indian origin amount to 884,000 while non-resident Indians total 10,500. Thus, Mauritius emerges as one of the top countries to migrate to from India.

10. Kuwait

Total Indian Overseas Population: 1,029,861

In recent years, Kuwait has emerged as a preferred immigration destination for the Indian population, evident from the substantial number of Indians residing in the country. Approximately 1,029,861 Indians have been recorded as living in Kuwait, with non-resident Indians constituting the largest share (1,028,274). The presence of an established Indian community serves as a significant attraction for further migration to the country. Additionally, Kuwait’s high level of human development, ensuring a superior quality of life for its residents, serves as another compelling factor drawing individuals to relocate there.

9. South Africa

Total Indian Overseas Population: 1,560,000

The relationship between South Africa and India traces back over three thousand years. In recent times, Indian migration to South Africa initially occurred through temporary work visas, eventually transitioning to permanent residency. Despite India’s restrictions on dual citizenship, many immigrant Indians have obtained South African citizenship and have integrated themselves into influential positions within the country. The strengthening of this relationship is evident in the trade benefits both nations stand to gain from each other. South Africa hosts a substantial population of Indian origin people (1,500,000), outnumbering non-resident Indians, with the total Indian population reaching 1,560,000 and making it one of the top destinations for migration from India.

8. Sri Lanka

Total Indian Overseas Population: 1,614,000

Indian migration to Sri Lanka began around two centuries ago, primarily for work in the tea plantations, a occupation many still remain in. The majority of migrants to the country originate from India and Malaysia. Indian migration proved especially significant during Sri Lanka’s construction boom, with laborers contributing to large-scale infrastructure projects such as highways, ports, and airports. These immigrants typically resided in Colombo or near their workplace. With a total Indian overseas population in Sri Lanka reaching 1,614,000, there exists a substantial Indian expatriate community. Hence, South Africa emerges as a potential destination for Indian migration.

7. Canada

Total Indian Overseas Population: 1,689,055

Canada has been experiencing huge inflow of immigrants, among which Indians have also steadily increased,  migrating to Canada over the past decade or more. The country’s high demand for labor and its reputation for offering a highly developed and quality life have attracted many Indians to its shores. A total of 1,689,055 Indians have relocated to Canada, with the largest proportion consisting of persons of Indian origin.

6. The United Kingdom

Total Indian Overseas Population: 1,764,000

As a one-time colony of UK, India’s ties with the country continues in the form of people migrating to the country. Similar to other developed nations, advanced economies such as the UK offer significant opportunities for individuals from emerging economies. This disparity between India and England is evidenced by the substantial number of Indian immigrants arriving in the country. Hence, UK is also one of the top countries for Indian migration.

Click to continue reading and see our Top 5 Countries to Migrate from India.

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Disclosure: None. Top 15 Countries to Migrate from India is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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