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Top 15 Countries for Engineering in the World

In this article, we will look at the top 15 countries for engineering in the world. We have also covered interesting and latest developments in the field of engineering. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the Top 5 Countries for Engineering in the World.

Engineers are responsible for designing and developing everything from infrastructure and technology to healthcare solutions and sustainable energy sources. As such, the choice of where to pursue an engineering career can largely impact one’s opportunities and prospects. Before we dive into the list, it is crucial for us to explore the key trends in the engineering industry and then analyze the key players facilitating them. This will allow us to understand the bigger picture of why a particular country may be a good fit for pursuing a career in engineering. 

Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: Need of the Hour

Monolith is an artificial intelligence (AI) software provider for engineering teams that recently released the results of a study on the state of AI in engineering. The study surveyed 163 senior engineering leaders from multinational automotive, aerospace, and industrial/manufacturing enterprises in the US and Europe. It revealed that 67% of these engineering leaders feel pressure to adopt AI technologies. Those who have embraced AI are shown to be 43% more likely to experience increased revenue, profitability, and competitiveness compared to those who haven’t.

One of the key challenges identified in the study is the pressure to accelerate product development in the engineering industry, with 71% of surveyed leaders expressing the need for faster time-to-market. 55% of the respondents stated that they lack the necessary tools for effective change, while 82% emphasized that a one-month delay in product launch costs their businesses millions or even billions of US dollars. These findings only highlight the pressing need and significance of AI in engineering.

Autodesk Inc (NASDAQ:ADSK) has a suite of AI-driven design tools that includes Fusion 360, which has over 1 million active users, and it’s powered by AI features such as generative design and simulation. These tools enable engineers to optimize designs and reduce material waste while accelerating the product development process by up to 60%.

Moreover, Autodesk Inc (NASDAQ:ADSK) also has a cloud-based platform called BIM 360 that leverages AI to improve collaboration in construction projects. With over 500,000 users, it offers features like predictive analytics that can identify and mitigate project risks that can result in potential cost savings of up to 10%. Not just that, Autodesk Inc (NASDAQ:ADSK)’s collaboration with Boston Dynamics, has led to the development of construction robots that are capable of performing human engineering tasks efficiently and safely.

Extended Reality in Engineering: Bringing Revolution in Engineering

Extended reality (XR) devices have become invaluable tools for engineers as they are being used in different engineering domains, including manufacturing, architecture, and maintenance, to optimize processes and improve product quality while also ensuring affordability. 

In manufacturing, VR is employed to explore and interact with digital models of equipment, such as turbines which allows engineers to visualize designs in a realistic virtual environment. A recent survey on highlights that XR is most commonly used in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) for tasks like visualizing data, conducting internal design reviews, and making stakeholder presentations. For instance, AR-enabled work instructions, like those provided by PTC Vuforia, facilitate maintenance and commissioning processes and thus, improve accuracy.

Merged Reality (MR), on the other hand, combines virtual and physical elements and is highly efficient in reducing travel costs. It enables remote assistance in scenarios like equipment maintenance, where experts can guide technicians using virtual images overlaid on their view. 

The popularity of XR technologies can be judged by the availability of a plethora of hardware options. Meta Quest 2 and 3, HTC Vive Pro, and Varjo Aero are some of the VR headsets that have gained traction among engineers. For AR, Magic Leap and smartphone/tablet-based solutions are popular choices, while Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Varjo XR-3 are leading MR headsets. Moreover, software solutions like PTC Vuforia, Prospect by IrisVR, and KeyVR offer engineers a range of tools for collaboration, and immersive experiences.

Speaking of PTC Inc (NASDAQ:PTC), it is worth highlighting that it is one of the biggest AR And VR companies In the world. However, we need to explore the financial report of the latest quarter of PTC Inc (NASDAQ:PTC) to conclude whether the company is still popular or not. 

In the third fiscal quarter of 2023, PTC Inc (NASDAQ:PTC) reported a 25% year-over-year growth in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) that reached $1.9 billion. Organic growth was equally robust at 14%, with an additional 11 points of growth attributed to their ServiceMax business acquisition. The strong performance of PTC Inc (NASDAQ:PTC) translated into a remarkable 45% year-over-year increase in cash from operations, totaling $169 million, while free cash flow increasing by 46% to $164 million.

Furthermore, PTC Inc (NASDAQ:PTC) achieved a 17% growth in revenue that reached $542 million in the third quarter of 2023, with 300 basis points expansion in operating margin. Notably, PTC Inc (NASDAQ:PTC)’s focus on Software as a Service (SaaS) and digital transformation solutions has translated into a 34% non-GAAP operating margin.

A team of construction workers managing a complex engineering project. Editorial photo for a financial news article. 8k. –ar 16:9


To list the Top countries for engineering in the world, we relied on our datasets from our articles on “highest paying countries for engineers”, “most technologically advanced countries in the world”, and “most developed countries in the world”. We averaged the rankings from all three articles to obtain an average rank. The list is presented in ascending order.

15. Norway

Average Rank: 18

Norway excels in engineering owing to its exceptional infrastructure and communications networks. It has a well-maintained road network of 90,741 kilometers, a 4,023-kilometer railroad system, and 58 airports. The country’s strong shipping industry and ownership of 10% of the world’s merchant fleet make it a maritime engineering leader. It is one of the best countries for engineering jobs

14. Belgium

Average Rank: 17

Belgium stands out in our list because of its extensively impressive infrastructure which includes 145,850 kilometers of roads and 3,437 kilometers of electrified rail lines. The country’s strategic geographic location as a transportation hub for Western Europe gives it a further edge in engineering. Additionally, Belgium has an advanced communications infrastructure, with 1.4 million internet users and a growing e-commerce sector. It is one of the top countries for engineering in the world

13. Singapore

Average Rank: 16.5

Singapore needs more engineers to achieve its ambitious sustainability goals outlined in the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Engineers have already played an important role in greening over 40% of buildings and addressing climate change challenges. To accomplish the plan, engineers will be vital in quadrupling solar energy deployment, constructing eco-friendly buildings, expanding the rail network, and developing low-carbon alternatives. It is one of the top countries to study engineering in Asia

12. Australia

Average Rank: 16

Australia is in dire need of engineers to address a current shortage of 30,000 engineers, projected to reach 100,000 by 2030. It is also one of the highest-paying countries for engineers

11. Finland

Average Rank: 15

Finland places a strong emphasis on education, with a world-class system producing highly skilled engineers. Moreover, a culture of innovation and collaboration thrives in Finland, and hence, there is a conducive environment for engineering breakthroughs. It is one of the highest paying countries for software engineers

Nokia Oyj (NYSE:NOK), as Finland’s leading tech company, has a rich history of introducing telecommunications and 5G technology in the country. 

10. Italy

Average Rank: 13

The country hosts a plethora of renowned engineering companies, including global giants like Leonardo DRS Inc (NASDAQ:DRS), the leading aerospace and defense technology company, Prysmian Group, a world leader in energy and telecom cable systems, and CNH Industrial NV (NYSE:CNHI) that specializes in agricultural and construction equipment. Italy’s automotive sector boasts prestigious names like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Maserati, all of which are synonymous with luxury and performance. It is one of the best countries for mechanical engineers.

9. Sweden

Average Rank: 12

Sweden has a highly developed automotive engineering infrastructure, led by industry giants like Volvo AB (OTC:VLVLY) and Electrolux. Its expertise also extends to renewable energy, with companies like Vattenfall AB at the forefront of sustainable power generation. It is one of the top countries for engineering in the world

8. United Kingdom

Average Rank: 10.5

The country has a flourishing aerospace sector, home to giants like Rolls-Royce Group (OTC:RYCEY) and BAE Systems Plc (OTC:BAESY). United Kingdom is crowned as one of leading countries in automotive engineering, with Jaguar Land Rover and McLaren Automotive pushing the boundaries of automotive design and sustainability. 

7. Denmark

Average Rank: 10

Denmark is considered one of the best countries for engineers particularly in renewable energy, sustainable design, and maritime engineering. The country has made noteworthy developments in wind energy technology that has led to its global recognition in the wind power sector. Danish companies like Vestas Wind Systems A/S (OTC:VWDRY) and Siemens Gamesa, are international leaders in renewable energy solutions. 

6. Netherlands

Average Rank: 9.5

The Netherlands is a leading country in maritime engineering, given its extensive coastline and expertise in water management, exemplified by globally renowned projects such as the Delta Works. Moreover, the Netherlands is a pioneer in sustainable technologies, particularly in wind and solar energy. Prominent engineering companies like Royal Dutch Shell, ASML Holding NV (NASDAQ:ASML), and Royal HaskoningDHV all provide excellent opportunities for growth to engineers. It is one of the best countries for engineering in Europe

Click here to see the Top 5 Countries for Engineering in the World.

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Disclosure: None. Top 15 Countries for Engineering in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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