Top 11 Youngest Female Billionaires in the World

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7. Yvonne Bauer (38)

Net worth: 2.8 B

Place on Forbes billionaire list: 663

Yvonne Bauer, together with her family, runs Bauer Media Group, largest media publishing company in Europe, which manages more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations around the world, including Bella, Take a Break, That’s life! TVChoice and Total TVGuide, Grazia, the Box TV, Q… Since 2010 she owns 85 percent of the company.

Despite global changes in media, she says that Bauer believes in print. “Well-made magazines will always find their readers…. So we are investing in print because it pays off – also with regard to digitalization. Strong media brands are the currency we can use to thrive in the digital world. Print and digital offerings profit from each other’s media strengths and are interconnected”, Bauer said.

Yvonne Bauer lives in Hamburg.

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