Top 10 Working Mom Blogs

If you want to successfully combine your job with your role as a mother, you might use some of the tips from top 10 working mom blogs.

Being a working mom is not easy, no matter what people say. Even if you have a babysitter or your child goes to kindergarten or school, you still struggle with how to be present as a parent, how to follow up with what is going on in your children’s lives, but also with how to do your professional job in a successful manner. It may be a little bit overwhelming, but thanks to all those lovely moms, you can use their advice and try things they had already tried and found useful. It is why you should also pay attention to our list of The Most Popular Mommy and Parenting Blogs.

So, how can these working mom blogs actually help you and be of a great use to you through your journey as a mother who cannot stay home all day? Let me tell you. You probably have those days when you think that no one understands you, that your husband is just not getting what you are going through when you come home from your work but you still want your children to eat something healthy; but these working moms actually do and they probably went through all of this before and they probably shared their experience online. Once you see that you are not alone and that there are millions of other women going through the same things, you will feel much better. And, by taking some tips from them, you will make your life as a working mother much easier than you think. Just make sure to follow these blogs and to update yourself daily. Sometimes you will even read them for fun, while you have your 5-minute break with a strong and tasteful cup of coffee.

I was not even aware how working moms are actually a sensation on the Internet and how they rock the world and fight against prejudices, showing that women are capable of doing anything and they can combine work, private life, and pleasure in a very successful matter. But, this thing actually made it harder when it comes to making this list of top 10 working mom blog because I was constantly asking myself a question; how to make a list of top 10 blogs when there are actually tons of them and it is impossible to go through each separately. However, websites such as Working Moms Against Guilt, or Feedspot that already had its huge archive of working moms blogs and Mom helped me a lot with their suggestions and were in a way a starting point. As a huge fan of Instagram myself, I could not help but check Instagram profiles of these amazing blogs and decided to make the final ranking according to the number of followers on this popular social network. I have to emphasize that the photos bellow are not the actual photos from these blogs, but rather from our archive, but if you enter the links you will see the amazing moments captured by these beautiful mothers.

Let’s go together through these top 10 working mom blogs.

10. Redefining Mom

Number of Instagram followers: 1,929

This is an amazing blog made by Monica who lives in Buffalo, NY and who is a mother of a 4-year-old daughter. At first, she started running her blog for fun, but eventually, when she saw how it can be helpful to all of those moms who strive to be entrepreneurs, she turned it into a business account and started working for herself full-time. Her focus is on online businesses, so if you think about creating something like this, make sure to follow this blog, since it teaches you how to achieve anything you set your mind to.

Top 10 Working Mom Blogs

Monkey Business Images/

9. 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House

Number of Instagram followers: 2,576

Cindy from Cape Town is the owner of this creative and colorful blog, that is on the 9th spot on our list of top 10 working mom blog, and I am sure that you will both enjoy her posts and learn something new from them. She is more of a fun mom who tries to find a balance between being employed, being a mother and being a person who likes traveling and enjoying. She even has the award from the African Blogger Awards for the best blog on advice and parenting, so I am sure that there are a lot of things that we can learn from Cindy and her three little people.

Top 10 Working Mom Blogs

Africa Studio/

8. Fab Working Mom Life

Number of Instagram followers: 3,844

Julie is an inspiring working mother who strives to present how to successfully balance between your job, family, hobbies, and anything else that you love. She works in Houston, Texas as an environmental compliance consultant, and while her husband works in the military, she is often time home alone with her toddler and three pets. In my opinion, she really found a way to develop the support network for all those moms who still maybe think they are not ready to go back to work, and this is one of the main reasons I find this blog a must follow.

7. Women on the Fence

Number of Instagram followers: 3,870

Firstly, I visited this blog that’s up next on our list of top 10 working mom blog because I was attracted by its name, and then I realized it is definitely worth reading and following. Erica Diamond is an amazing woman and a name that you should remember! She is 41 and a mother of 2 young boys, but professionally, she is a Certified Women’s Life, Business & Success Coach. Besides that, she is an Award-Winning Entrepreneur and Businesswoman. She said she made the blog and later developed it into business for all those women who were on the fence, to show them how they should always strive for more, never give up and never settle.

Top 10 Working Mom Blogs


6. Borm and Co.

Number of Instagram followers: 4,603

Julie says for herself that she is a “modern mom on a quest to find balance”. She is a mother of two boys, aged 3 and 1 and her blog treats various topics, starting from parenthood, to career, food and how to establish balance in your life. Regarding the career part, she mostly deals with the freelance jobs, so all the mothers who would like to work without leaving their homes should definitely visit this blog since it is one of the best working mom blogs I came across.

Top 10 Working Mom Blogs


5. Mater Mea

Number of Instagram followers: 7,298

I need to be a little bit subjective, but I loved this blog probably the most since I spent so much time in reading the posts and looking at the amazing pictures that portray the beautiful side of motherhood. The website actually deals with the women of color and their stories of successfully combining motherhood and career. Besides that, it also deals with beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture, and it provides something interesting for everyone. In their words, the main point is to present a black woman as she is today, “savvy, complex, and inspirational”. Now, let’s see what else we have on our list of top 10 working mom blog.

4. Working Mom Magic

Number of Instagram followers: 7,794

Lauren is an amazing soul who spent the past 13 years working as a TV news producer, and currently, works as the dayside executive producer at the ABC affiliate in Miami.  She is a mother of two kids, a boy and a girl, and she says for herself that she is completely obsessed with social media, being one of the main reasons why she started writing a blog.  If you visit Working Mom Magic, you will get to know a lot about crafts, parenting, fitness, food, and on the top of all, you will get certain tips on how to combine all of that while being a  working mom.

3. Moms ‘n Charge

Number of Instagram followers: 9,371

This blog, that’s up next on our list of top 10 working mom blog is not written by one person, but rather by several working moms who like sharing their experiences and helping other moms on their roads to find the perfect balance between their professional and private life. It is a very inspiring and educational blog, and it provides information on various topics, such as motherhood, marriage, lifestyle, career, motivation, and many other useful things. Their main motto is to help moms feel good without feeling guilty.

2. Merlot Mommy

Number of Instagram followers: 20.8k

You would not believe how cool Jana Seitzer and her blog are unless you click the link and scroll the posts. Therefore, you will realize that this huge number of followers is not there by chance, but because people recognized they have a lot of things to see and read on Merlot Mommy that ranks 2nd on our list of top 10 working mom blog. Jana is a full-time mom to 4 amazing kids, but besides that, she is a writer, speaker, photographer, marketer, designer, Disney podcaster, LuLaRoe fashion consultant, and many, many other things. You will also see that she is a huge travel-lover, as most of the space on her blog is actually devoted to this. I don’t know about you, but she completely convinced me that being a mother can never be an excuse to anything, but only a motivation to strive for more!

1. Mommy Shorts

Number of Instagram followers: 149k

I was amazed at first how someone who is not a celebrity or a Hollywood actress can have so many followers, but then I started going through Ilana’s blog and I realized it is probably the coolest thing you can visit today and every day. Ilana is a mother of two amazingly cute daughters and she used to be a creative director in advertising for over 15 years, but then she started writing this blog and realized that it can actually bring money, so she devoted to writing full-time. Anyway, I will not go into details on what you can find on this blog, but I’ll leave it as a must visit and the top 10 working mom blog, so I am sure you will open the link and see why.