2. Merlot Mommy
Number of Instagram followers: 20.8k
You would not believe how cool Jana Seitzer and her blog are unless you click the link and scroll the posts. Therefore, you will realize that this huge number of followers is not there by chance, but because people recognized they have a lot of things to see and read on Merlot Mommy that ranks 2nd on our list of top 10 working mom blog. Jana is a full-time mom to 4 amazing kids, but besides that, she is a writer, speaker, photographer, marketer, designer, Disney podcaster, LuLaRoe fashion consultant, and many, many other things. You will also see that she is a huge travel-lover, as most of the space on her blog is actually devoted to this. I don’t know about you, but she completely convinced me that being a mother can never be an excuse to anything, but only a motivation to strive for more!

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