What are the top 10 TED talks for entrepreneurs? One of the greatest advantages of the Internet is the ability through which one can spread the word and inspire others to go out there and reach for the stars. If you haven’t lived under a cave for the last few years, you might have already heard about the TED Talks. TED, short for Technology, Entertainment, Design, is a non-profit set of conferences aiming to introduce ideas worth spreading to the general mass. Over the years, TED Talks have grown to become some of the most inspirational videos shared amongst user. But because there are so many out there, finding the right one can sometimes be challenging. Because of this, we would like to present you with a shortlist we have compiled of the Top 10 Ted Talks for Entrepreneurs.
While you’re at it, we also suggest you take a look at our cover story of the Best TED Talks of All Time. You’re certainly going to find a little bit of inspiration there as well. You can also check out the 15 most popular TED talks of 2014.
For now, let’s take a look at our countdown and see what can motivate you to become a better entrepreneur.
No. 10: Richard St. John – 8 Secrets of Success
During his research, St. John was able to identify 8 traits that all successful people have in common. If you want to get in on the action, make sure you watch his inspirational video and apply the secrets you learn there in your day to day life.
No. 9: Shawn Achor – The Happy Secret to Better Work
On our countdown of the top 10 TED Talks for entrepreneurs, psychologist Shawn Achor’s video is a must see. Learn how changing your perspective can lead to become a better entrepreneur and how it can make your job a lot easier.
No. 8: Dan Cobley – What Physics Taught Me About Marketing
What does physics have to do with marketing, one might ask. Well, just watch Dan Cobley’s inspirational video and find out how 3 seemingly difficult concepts in physics can shed new light on how we view marketing.
No. 7: Cameron Herold – Let’s Raise Kids to Be Entrepreneurs
Regardless of your parenthood status or lack thereof, Cameron Herold’s inspirational video is a must watch. The main lesson you’ll get from it is that you’ll understand how being your own boss is ten times better than any type of traditional employment. s
No. 6: Steven Johnson – Where Good Ideas Come From
Contrary to popular belief, great ideas are not just a rare, random occurrence. On your quest through the Top 10 TED Talks for entrepreneurs, make sure you look for Steven Johnson and learn how you can cultivate your own great business ideas.