Find out which are the top 10 online shopping sites in the US. Online shopping is soon becoming the norm of the day. Instead of spending our Sundays lugging shopping bags and spending hours finding our ways around the mall, getting our shopping roster checked off with just a click is so much more convenient. And, especially in the slapdash, technology-ridden lives we live today, e-commerce is the way to go!
Once considered risky business, the popularity of online shopping now seems to be on the rise every single day. In 2012, US online sales revenue alone was over $364.66 billion. No wonder online businesses are sprouting up by the second, the industry being at its lucrative best today. Online customers agree that once you get a taste of the convenience that e-shopping has to offer, there is no looking back. Technology also has had a major part to play in the popularization of online shopping and retail business, and with the advent of tablets and 4G technologies the same has been further catalyzed. In a 2011 survey of 1500 online customers, it was found that almost 87% of tablet owners were using their tablets to get their online shopping done.

There’s no denying that online businesses have created great profits for some of the top players in the industry. But, they also have greater responsibilities of superior customer services and consistent deliveries to guarantee, to instill the trust in their customers. Of course, the top online shopping sites and the 10 Online Clothing Retailers in the World have deployed their resources towards achieving the same, and that’s what has spelled success for them.
Let’s take a look at the top online shopping sites in the US where you can browse through for the various product needs. They are the most successful shops, offering the best of products and superior services in the respective product categories they cater to.