3. Bangladesh
World risk index: 19.17%
Rank: 5
Third place on our list of top 10 natural disaster prone countries with the worst, most costly disasters in the world goes to Bangladesh that is ranked 6th on a World Risk Report’s list with 64.34% vulnerability to natural disasters. Due to its geographical position, Bangladesh is vulnerable to various hazards including cyclones, floods, earthquakes, droughts, and tornadoes. Floods are a regular phenomenon in Bangladesh, and they occur during every monsoon season. Some of the recent major catastrophes in Bangladesh include – cyclone in 1991 which killed 138,866 people, affected 15,438849 people and caused total damage of $1.78 billion; cyclone Sidr in 2007 which killed 4,234, affected 8,978541 people and caused economic damage of $2.3 billion and cyclone Aila in 2009 which caused the damage of $270 million, killed 190 people and affected 3,935341 people.

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