Top 10 Most Googled Tech Products in 2015

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1. iPhone 6S

This is probably not a surprise to anyone that keeps an eye on the tech market, but the iPhone 6S was the most googled tech product of the year. That’s pretty much because whether you love or you hate Apple you’re still likely to take a look over the fence and see what they’re cooking.

The latest iPhone is proof of that. Offering little improvements over last year’s version, the 6S has still convinced a lot of people to switch over to the new phone. The design hasn’t really changed at all, despite Apple claiming the contrary. The 3D touch is quite impressive, however, and there’s also the fact that the device is built with the OS in mind, and the OS with the device, which means there’s a perfect symbiosis going on, something that’s not always the case for Android devices.

As always, however, the iPhone is entirely too expensive for what the device has to offer. Android counterparts are available for a lot less money, but then again this is not one of the top three things gadget lovers consider when getting a new device. Furthermore, Apple has its loyal clientele, and they’re hard to sway over to the Android side.

So there you have it, the top 10 most googled tech products in 2015. Which ones did you look for?

Ellica / Top 10 Most Googled Tech Products in 2015

Ellica /

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