Top 10 Most Googled People in 2015

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4. Adele

Perhaps one of the most beloved English singers right now, Adele has made it to the fourth place in the top 10 most googled people in 2015. People are always interested in knowing what Adele is up to, especially since she first chose to take a pause from the spotlight to raise her newborn son, and then this year she decided to come back to the music scene.

Not only did she release a new song and video, but she also released an album to go with them all, managing to short circuit pretty much all the charts on half the globe as she shot to the top spot and refused to leave. What’s more, she even broke YouTube, as her video for “Hello” became the video that got the most views at its debut. After 48 hours it had some 50 million views, and within five days it had 100 million. The track also had some 900,000 downloads within the first week.

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