Top 10 Most Deadliest and Dangerous Snakes In the World

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6. Many-banded krait (Bungarus multicinctus)

Subcutaneous LD50 (Mg/kg): 0.108

Venom Yield/Bite (Mg): 8.0-20.0

Distribution: China, Southeast Asia

Immediately after this snake’s bite, there are almost no symptoms. The victim can experience only some mild numb and itchy feeling. But after 5-6 hours, severe symptoms start to emerge, such as general ache, ataxia, loss of voice, glossolysis (paralysis of the tongue), difficulties in breathing, among others. Estimated mortality is between 35%-100%. During the Vietnam War, American soldiers called this snake the “two-step snake.”

Top 7 Most Poisonous Snakes In The World

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