Top 10 Countries With the Highest Exports to China

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1. Republic of Korea

Value: $158 billion

Finally, at the top of our list of top 10 countries with the highest exports to China, we find the Republic of Korea, also known as South Korea. China’s largest exporter ran a bill of $158.9 billion in 2016, or 10% of China’s total imports. Compared to 2015, however, the number is 9% lower.

The largest part of this sum, nearly a third, comes from exporting electrical machinery and equipment, sound recorders and reproducers, TVs and similar articles. Then, South Korea further sells optical, photographic, cinematographic, medical or surgical instruments, as well as machinery, mechanical appliances, nuclear reactors, and boilers. The list further includes organic chemicals, plastics, mineral fuels and oils, cars, iron, steel, essential oils, copper, articles or iron or steel, rubber, aluminum, glass, furniture, including bedding, mattresses, and so on.

That being said, it’s clear that China likes buying a lot of products from all over the world. Still, it continues to export even more products to all corners of the globe, particularly the United States. China is one of the world’s largest economies and it will continue to remain so over the years to come. Its position as the world’s largest exporter doesn’t seem to be threatened in any way, and as the economy continues to boom so should the value of its imports.

These have been the top 10 countries with the highest exports to China.

Top 10 Countries With the Highest Exports to China

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