10. Keanu Reeves
We start our list with someone who is possibly the greatest philanthropist among all the celebrities who are active in disaster relief and humanitarian work on this list because he is the one who is exposing himself the least. The one who is humble, and altruistic in his everyday life, and about whose generosity you can only hear stories from his colleagues and friends, and even from the strangers who met him on the subway. Yes, that’s right, this sincerely humble Holywood actor (this almost sounds like an oxymoron), worth more than $100 million, doesn’t care for luxury, and treats all the people around him the same. Before we tell you about some amazing stories from his personal life that are the best confirmation about his compassionate nature, we’ll name a few charities that Keanu has supported, like Stand Up To Cancer, PETA, Sick Kids Foundation, Make It Right, Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment and LifeBeat. After his sister was diagnosed with leukemia, he has been taking care of her and has been donating to various cancer research programs and hospitals. He has even established his own foundation, whose main goal is to help cancer research and children’s hospitals, but he didn’t name it after him, nor linked his name in any way. But what should inspire us the most when we think of Keanu Reeves and his altruism is – his behavior in everyday life. He was once seen eating and talking with a homeless on a sidewalk for quite some time. He didn’t just gave that person some money; he offered him much more – a friendly conversation. There are many stories on the internet about Keanu’s generosity, like for example, giving money to the special effects crews and costume designers, and while there is a chance that some of them aren’t true, it just makes me wonder – if even half of them are, how cool Keanu Reeves really is? Even though those types of donations to the colleagues aren’t the type of humanitarian work we were looking for to make this list, we already named a couple of causes Keanu is known to have helped. And since he is a very closed person, who doesn’t like to talk about his personal life and promote himself, it is safe to assume he has helped even more.

Denis Makarenko / Shutterstock.com