Top 10 Biggest Tobacco Companies in the World in 2017

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10. KT&G

Score: 3

Our list of biggest tobacco companies in the world in 2017 starts with KT&G. The leading tobacco company in South Korea, KT&G, which stands for Korea Tomorrow & Global Corporation, has annual sales in the billions of dollars. KT&G’s sales volumes represent more than half of the local market.

The Tobacco Atlas estimates that there are nearly 10 million adults using tobacco every day, and nearly 100,000 children in South Korea. Furthermore, over 43,000 people die each year from diseases caused by tobacco.

The KT&G racked up sales worth $3.9 billion last year, while the company’s market value sits comfortably at over $11.2 billion. The company produces numerous cigarette brands, such as The One, Indigo, This, Zest, Esse, and Lo Crux, to name a few. Carnival, for instance, sells primarily in the United States, while Esse is popular in Eastern Europe.

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