Who are the top 10 best dancers of all time? Dance is a beautiful form of art, which can be used to express our innermost desires and dreams. Despite that, dancers have often been underappreciated throughout history, earning low wages for work that most people would be unable to perform. Fortunately, times are changing and dancers are being admired and recognized for their quality. In fact, the top dancers can earn several hundred thousand dollars as evidenced in The World’s Richest Dancers.

Mihai Blanaru/Shutterstock.com
There are various ways to rank the quality of dancers. For our list, we have used therichest.com to discover the total earnings of dancers, as earnings indicate the relative success of a dancer; the higher the earnings, the more in demand the dancer. We have also taken into consideration the duration of the career as another factor, traced from Wikipedia, as a long career can often be an indicator of quality as well. However, since this is subjective, we have only allocated a 40% weight to the duration of the career. Using these factors, we have calculated the top 10 best dancers of all time, which are as follows:
10. Mark Ballas
Total earnings: $450,000 – Rank based on earnings: 10
Duration of career: 10 years – Rank based on duration: 8
The overall rank: 9.2
Ballas is an established ballroom dancer as well as a world-renowned choreographer with an Emmy for best Outstanding Choreography to his name. He has ventured into acting and singing but dancing remains his main forte.

Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com