6. Cult Of Dusty
Current number of subscribers: 238,808
The main idea behind this YouTube channel, as seen in its description, is “making a mockery out of religion”. Too bad, no intellectual wants to waste time making a mockery out of atheism. Or maybe, not out of atheism per se, as per atheist groups who are acting religiously atheistic. I, mean, let’s face it, there are these atheistic groups, people, who testify that teaching people about atheism, and converting them into atheists is giving them motivation to live. Once again, there is something religious about this. Or, maybe I should say, there is something devilish about this.
Anyway, Cult of Dusty offers some cool videos like “hot to get banned from Facebook”, which shows us once again, how atheists truly are discriminated. Thank God for YouTube for keeping them alive on social networks!